First aid kits for the treatment of injuries and emergencies are available at VWR. Choose portable, weatherproof plastic or steel cases in varying sizes that include gloves, bandages, and gauze. Models specific to labs and construction sites are offered. Wearable options and vehicle and travel kits include basic first aid supplies in lightweight, small cases. First aid stations and larger kits for up to 100 people feature shelves for organization that keep labels visible for easier access. Some models are ANSI-compliant for the workplace.

First aid kits for the treatment of injuries and emergencies are available at VWR. Choose portable, weatherproof plastic or steel cases in varying sizes that include gloves, bandages, and gauze. Models specific to labs and construction sites are offered. Wearable options and vehicle and travel kits include basic first aid supplies in lightweight, small cases. First aid stations and larger kits for up to 100 people feature shelves for organization that keep labels visible for easier access. Some models are ANSI-compliant for the workplace.

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Artikkenummer: (118-0394)
Produsent: Cederroth / Orkla Care AB
Beskrivelse: This portable first aid kit is designed for personal use. It contains first aid products to be used in emergency situations (bleeding, breathing, burns, sprains, circulatory shock). Ideal for people who are often on the go and as a complement to a wall-mounted first aid station.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikkenummer: (118-0393)
Produsent: Cederroth / Orkla Care AB
Beskrivelse: This portable first aid kit is designed for personal use. It contains first aid products to be used in emergency situations (bleeding). Ideal for people who are often on the go and as a complement to a wall-mounted first aid station.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Artikkenummer: (118-0544)
Produsent: Cederroth / Orkla Care AB
Beskrivelse: The Cederroth wound care dispenser kit contains a variety of products, intended for use in the treatment of minor wounds.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Environmentally Preferable

Artikkenummer: (118-0396)
Produsent: Cederroth / Orkla Care AB
Beskrivelse: This extra large first aid kit contains first aid products for use in emergency situations (bleeding, breathing, burns, sprains, circulatory shock, minor eye injuries). The strong and durable case has a Salvequick plaster dispenser on the outside allowing easy access to plasters without opening the case. Ideal for people who are often on the go and as a complement to a wall-mounted first aid station.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikkenummer: (118-0395)
Produsent: Cederroth / Orkla Care AB
Beskrivelse: This portable first aid kit contains first aid products to be used in emergency situations (bleeding, breathing, burns, sprains, circulatory shock). Ideal for people who are often on the go and as a complement to a wall-mounted first aid station.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikkenummer: (HART7434099)
Beskrivelse: This DIN 13169-E first aid kit is packed in a robust case made of sheet steel. It is suitable for 51 to 300 employees in administrative and commercial companies, for 21 to 100 employees in manufacturing and processing companies or for 11 to 50 employees on construction sites.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Beskrivelse: The contents of the following first aid kits meet the requirements as specified in the HSE Approved Code of Practice. The code of practice states 'An employer should make an assessment of the first aid needs appropriate to the circumstance of each workplace'. To assist in selecting the appropriate kit, employee ratios are given as guidance provided by the British Healthcare Trade Association.

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Lager for dette punktet er begrenset, men kan være tilgjengelig i en lagerbygning i nærheten av deg. Vennligst sørg for at du er logget inn på nettstedet, slik at tilgjengelige lager kan vises. Hvis call er fortsatt vises og du trenger hjelp, kan du ringe oss på 1-800-932 - 5000.
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OBS! Etanol er underlagt bestemmelse om særavgift, jfr LOV-1993-05-19-11-§1. VWR selger kun etanol til kunder som kan fremlegge avgiftsfritak for udenaturert etanol, jfr. § 3-3-7 ( forskrifter om særavgifter).
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OBS! Etanol er underlagt bestemmelse om særavgift, jfr LOV-1993-05-19-11-§1. VWR selger kun etanol til kunder som kan fremlegge avgiftsfritak for udenaturert etanol, jfr. § 3-3-7 ( forskrifter om særavgifter).
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