Du søkte etter: Konduktivitetsstandarder

Regular use of the conductivity standards in factories and laboratories guarantee instruments are properly calibrated at all times for accurate readings. Placing probes into the solution with an identified transfer ability, the equipment settings can be adjusted prior to testing. The equipment maintenance permits estimations of impurities and ion levels present in samples. Meeting industry regulations, the solutions are created under strictly controlled conditions for complete working stability and reliability.

Regular use of the conductivity standards in factories and laboratories guarantee instruments are properly calibrated at all times for accurate readings. Placing probes into the solution with an identified transfer ability, the equipment settings can be adjusted prior to testing. The equipment maintenance permits estimations of impurities and ion levels present in samples. Meeting industry regulations, the solutions are created under strictly controlled conditions for complete working stability and reliability.

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Produsent: WTW
Beskrivelse: E-Set Trace calibration set, 6 bottles with 50 ml calibration and control standard each, KCl 0,01 mol/l, traceable to PTB/NIST
Produsent: VWR Chemicals
Beskrivelse: KCl 0,01 mol/L, VWR®, 1,41 mS/cm, Referansetemperatur: 25 °C

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Produsent: VWR Chemicals
Beskrivelse: A complete range of certified control standards with values ranging from 1,3 to 500000 µs to meet all the requirements for electrochemical analysis.
Artikkenummer: (85645.260)
Produsent: VWR Chemicals
Beskrivelse: Directly traceable to NIST, tested and certified to ISO17025 and ISO 17034
UOM: 1 * 500 mL

HMS Sertifikater

Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: Conductivity standard, Supelco®, 10000 μ S/cm, Referansetemperatur: 25 °C

Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: Conductivity standard, Supelco®, 147 µmhos/cm

Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: These conductivity sachets are convenient, easy to use and ensure accurate and reliable results both in the field or in the laboratory. The 30 ml sachets always provide a fresh solution preventing contamination by microorganisms, CO₂ or other substances. A conductivity sensor can be simply inserted into the sachet.

HMS Sertifikater Tilbud

Produsent: VWR Chemicals
Beskrivelse: Avantor offers a comprehensive range of conductivity standards as Certified Reference Materials with the primary use calibrating of conductivity meters.
Artikkenummer: (HACH1440053)
Produsent: Hach
Beskrivelse: Standard solution for standardisation and accuracy check in conductivity measurements.
UOM: 1 * 1 L

Produsent: Hach
Beskrivelse: For calibrations/accuracy checks on conductivity/salinity meters.
Produsent: Hach
Beskrivelse: The potassium chloride standard solutions are used for calibrating conductivity cells.
Produsent: Hach
Beskrivelse: Sodium chloride standard solutions according to OIML, traceable to NIST and Standard solution verified by Reference Materials Laboratory.
Produsent: Hach
Beskrivelse: The sodium chloride standard solutions are used for calibrating conductivity meters and also used for accuracy checks.
Produsent: Hach
Beskrivelse: Natural Water Standard Solution:40% sodium sulphate/40% sodium bicarbonate/20% sodium chloride.
Produsent: Hach
Beskrivelse: Potassium chloride standard solutions according to OIML, traceable to NIST and Standard solution verified by Reference Materials Laboratory.
Produsent: Hach
Beskrivelse: Konduktivitets-standard 12.880 µS/cm (25°C; 0,1 mol/l; KCl), 12 880  µS/cm
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OBS! Etanol er underlagt bestemmelse om særavgift, jfr LOV-1993-05-19-11-§1. VWR selger kun etanol til kunder som kan fremlegge avgiftsfritak for udenaturert etanol, jfr. § 3-3-7 ( forskrifter om særavgifter).
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OBS! Etanol er underlagt bestemmelse om særavgift, jfr LOV-1993-05-19-11-§1. VWR selger kun etanol til kunder som kan fremlegge avgiftsfritak for udenaturert etanol, jfr. § 3-3-7 ( forskrifter om særavgifter).
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