Du søkte etter: Standard Incubators

Maintaining a controlled environment for cell cultures and microorganisms, the standard incubators will grow organisms and store sensitive samples. Adjusting the simple analog or digital controls, temperature stability and homogeneity guarantee reproducible results even without the operation of a fan. The interior spaces incorporate various quantities and moving capabilities of shelves to fit any vessel required. Standard incubators are easy to sterilize to prevent contamination in between uses.

Maintaining a controlled environment for cell cultures and microorganisms, the standard incubators will grow organisms and store sensitive samples. Adjusting the simple analog or digital controls, temperature stability and homogeneity guarantee reproducible results even without the operation of a fan. The interior spaces incorporate various quantities and moving capabilities of shelves to fit any vessel required. Standard incubators are easy to sterilize to prevent contamination in between uses.

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Produsent: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: INCU-Line® microbiological incubators are designed to cultivate organisms at homogeneous temperatures. They have a temperature range of 5 °C above ambient to 100 °C and can, for instance, be used for microbiological tests, germ count determination and ageing/heated storage.

Produsent: Binder
Beskrivelse: Avantgarde. Line incubators ensure stable and reliable incubation of microbiological cultures and guarantee reproducible results for routine tests in the laboratory – even high batch throughputs and with long-term operation. Avantgarde. Line BD models have natural convection ensuring rapid temperature equalisation after the door is opened. The BF models have forced convection via a fan. The APT.line™ pre-heating chamber technology gives homogeneous temperature distribution, excellent temperature uniformity and low fluctuation. Units up to 115 litres can be stacked on top of each other to save space. The units have 60 mm insulation which lowers energy consumption and increases performance. All models have a stainless steel chamber with an ergonomic door opening system.

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Produsent: Binder
Beskrivelse: Two versions of these incubators with electronically controlled APT.line™ preheating chamber are available depending on the application: The BD series with natural convection for all standard applications and the BF series with forced convection for applications with high load density.

Produsent: MEMMERT
Beskrivelse: The range has natural and forced convection models with a temperature range up to 80 °C. There is a choice of two different displays, SingleDISPLAY or TwinDISPLAY depending on the application.

Artikkenummer: (390-1586)
Produsent: DWK Life Sciences
Beskrivelse: WHEATON® standard incubators are ideal for general growth and incubation requirements. Designed specifically for use with WHEATON® Roller Apparatus.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Produsent: MEMMERT
Beskrivelse: IFbw blanket warmer are suitable for warming non-sterile blankets and cloths, these are preheated to a precise temperature so they are readily available to help keep patients warm. This minimises the risk of complications such as wound infections, cardiovascular disorders, cardiac arrhythmia or vascular disorders. Thanks to the stainless steel chamber and outside surfaces, the units are easy to clean. Built-in safety features.

Produsent: MEMMERT
Beskrivelse: The range has natural and forced convection models with a temperature range up to 80 °C. There is a choice of two different displays, SingleDISPLAY or TwinDISPLAY depending on the application.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Heratherm® Advanced Protocol-inkubatorer har dobbel konveksjon, som gjør at brukeren kan velge viftehastighet fra 0 til 100%. Lufthastigheten kan justeres til optimal luftstrøm, avhengig av bruksområdet. Disse enhetene anbefales til en rekke krevende bruksområder i laboratoriet, samt til inkubering av egg, kloning av gener og oppvarmet lagring av medier.
Inkubatorer har et innerkammer i glatt, rustfritt stål med avrundede hjørner som er lett å holde rent. Hyllesystemet kan enkelt fjernes for rengjøring. Enhetene har en innvendig glassdør som gjør det mulig å se på prøver uten at det påvirker temperaturstabiliteten. Enhetene kan stables oppå hverandre for å spare plass, og det kreves ingen verktøy eller stableenheter.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Heratherm™ large capacity incubators were designed to prevent samples drying out. All models have a large, easy to view, vacuum fluorescence display and simple to use touch button operation which is controlled by a microprocessor and automatic over-temperature alarm system to protect samples.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Heratherm® Advanced Protocol Security incubators feature adjustable forced convection which allows the user to select the fan speed from 0 up to 100%. Air speed can be adjusted to give optimum airflow depending on the application. These units are recommended for a wide range of demanding laboratory applications as well as food and beverage and pharmaceutical stability testing. The incubators have a smooth stainless steel inner chamber with easy to clean, rounded corners. Units feature an internal glass door, allowing samples to be viewed without impacting on temperature stability, a lockable outer door restricts access. Units can be stacked on top of each other to save space, no tools or stacking devices are required.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Heratherm® General Protocol-inkubatorer et innerkammer i glatt, rustfritt stål med avrundede hjørner som er lette å holde rene. Enhetene har en innvendig glassdør som gjør det mulig å se på prøver uten at det påvirker temperaturstabiliteten. Naturlig konveksjon gir en forsiktig luftstrøm og minimal uttørking. Disse enhetene anbefales for en rekke vanlige bruksområder ved laboratorier innen farmasi, medisin, næringsmidler og forskning og ved mikrobiologisk forskning og dyrking av gjær. Enheterne er enkle at kalibrerer og har automatisk over-temperaturalarm for øget beskyttelse av både inkubator og prøver.

Produsent: Hettich
Beskrivelse: The HettCube range of incubators provide functionality and customised features. The inner chamber is made from acid-proof stainless steel (DIN 1.4301). Units only heat and cool as necessary, ensuring lower power consumption, operating costs and environmental impact. At an operating temperature of 37 °C the units consume less than 0,05 kWh. The fan is located outside the usable space, so there is a low air flow inside the chamber and a low noise level.

Artikkenummer: (MMMEM118)
Produsent: 3M MEDICAL
Beskrivelse: 3M™ Attest™ incubators provide optimal conditions for accurate readout using biological indicators.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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