Du søkte etter: Automated Cell Culture Systems

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VWR, Part of Avantor - leverandør av kjemikalier og laboratorieutstyr

VWR Part of Avantor Carousel Det finnes en effektiv virusinaktivering J.T.Baker® Virusinaktiveringsløsning: En biologisk nedbrytbar cGMP-klargjort virusinaktiveringsløsning. Klar for bruk REACH-godkjent. Les mer - Det finnes en effektiv virusinakt...

VWR, Part of Avantor - leverandør av kjemikalier og laboratorieutstyr

VWR Part of Avantor Carousel Det finnes en effektiv virusinaktivering J.T.Baker® Virusinaktiveringsløsning: En biologisk nedbrytbar cGMP-klargjort virusinaktiveringsløsning. Klar for bruk REACH-godkjent. Les mer - Det finnes en effektiv virusinakt...

Spheroid microplates with ULA surface for spheroid and organoid cultures

Spheroid microplates with ULA surface for spheroid and organoid cultures In vitro 3D cell culture models are widely recognized as more physiologically relevant systems compared to 2D formats. The 3D models reflect more accurately the complex in vi...

Permeable Support Systems

Permeable Support Systems Create in vivo -like cell culture environment using Transwell permeable supports to enhance cell growth for both anchorage-dependent and feeder-independent cell lines. Corning permeable supports are available in a variety...

Animal-free hydrogel - taking you from cell to therapy

Animal-free hydrogel - taking you from cell to therapy Tuesday 28th April 2020 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Replay for 1 Year Are your 3D cell cultures truly reproducible and scalable? G...

Cell Imaging Systems & Microscopy

Cell Imaging Systems & Microscopy Featured Solutions Modern research requires high throughput high quality imaging. At its most basic this might require cell counting viability assays or marker expression analysis performed alongside standard fluo...

CO2 Incubator & safe cultivation tools

CO2 Incubator & safe cultivation tools Featured Solutions The Heracell™ VIOS series has been designed for sensitive cultures such as stem and primary cells. Cell culture contamination is a concern for any lab so protect your cultures with the opti...

Sera & Media

Sera & Media Featured Solutions Avantor Seradigm offers 100% US Origin Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) and FBS alternatives in various grades. Choose Seradigm for proven performance and consistency. Learn more Additional Resources Customer testimonial Pe...

Matrigel® Matrix, ECMs and Scaffolds

Matrigel® Matrix ECMs and Scaffolds Corning® Matrigel® Matrix— making 3D Cell Culture easier than ever. Corning Ultra-Low Attachment surface a unique hydrogel surface designed to prevent cell attachment inhibits specific and nonspecific immobiliza...

From Cell to Therapy

From Cell to Therapy Solutions for your entire workflow From Research to Production A deep understanding of pathological and therapeutic mechanisms at a cellular and molecular level is key for the discovery and use of drugs. By providing solutions...

3D Plates

3D Plates Featured Solutions Corning Spheroid Microplate is ideal for generating and analysing 3D spheroids in the same microplate. Imaging plates with high optical quality are ideal for performing high content cell-based assays using imaging syst...

Get more insightful results with complementary technologies - automated imaging and flow cytometry

Get more insightful results with complementary technologies - automated imaging and flow cytometry Webinar Thursday 16th July 2020 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance ...

Cell Culture Surface Selection: Achieving optimal growth and harvesting of your cells

Cell Culture Surface Selection: Achieving optimal growth and harvesting of your cells Webinar Tuesday 5th October 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Cell Culture is a key step in a wide variety of life science workflows. To help...

Optimizing your buffer, reagent and culture media management across biopharma workflows

Optimizing your buffer, reagent and culture media management across biopharma workflows The adoption of hydrated, premade liquid, buffers, reagents and cell culture media can save you time, resources and money. Different strategies for solutions p...

Switching to Automated Microscopy

Switching to Automated Microscopy Webinar Tuesday 24th September 2019 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Webinar Overiew Helping you improve your...

Optimizing your buffer, reagent and culture media management across biopharma workflows

Optimizing your buffer reagent and culture media management across biopharma workflows The adoption of hydrated premade liquid buffers reagents and cell culture media can save you time resources and money. Different strategies for solutions prepar...
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