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Du søkte etter: Siliconising Fluid

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Custom Fluid Handling Solutions

Custom Fluid Handling Solutions Design your custom fluid solutions today! From simple tubing sets to complex mixing systems in as few as 8 weeks* Avantor fluid handling solutions partner with you to efficiently implement single-use and fluid handl...

Velocity-Profile Deviations Influence Flowmeter Performance

Velocity-Profile Deviations Influence Flowmeter Performance Selecting the right flowmeter for the liquid By Corte Swearingen Reprinted from Chemical Processing magazine Close your eyes and imagine a world in which all fluids flowing down pipes are...

Connecting single-use solutions to next generation therapies

Connecting single-use solutions to next generation therapies Avantor is the only open-architecture fluid handling provider to offer complete design manufacturing and logistics to support at every stage of your biomanufacturing process. Learn More ...

Guide for valg av strømningsmåler: Typer for applikasjon

Strømningsmålere: Hvilken type vil fungere best for din applikasjon? What Flowmeter Will Work Best for Your Application? From single-use to magnetic to variable-area to Coriolis the options in flowmeters are plentiful. Yet there are distinct diffe...

Redusere pulsering i peristaltiske pumpesystemer

Redusere pulsering i peristaltiske pumpesystemer Some applications for persistaltic pumps. especially in the laboratory are sensitive to pulsating fluid flow. A number of steps can be taken to reduce the pulsating effect. Introduction to Pump Puls...


PHARMED Tubing Advantages: Great for tissue and cell work—nontoxic and nonhemolytic. Long service life minimizes risk of fluid exposure; reduces tubing costs and pump downtime. Opaque to UV and visible light to protect light-sensitive fluids. Heat...

Masterflex Easy-Load pump heads meet the demands of fluid transfer in a fermentation process analyzer

Masterflex Easy-Load pump heads meet the demands of fluid transfer in a fermentation process analyzer Cytosoft Inc. sells fermentation equipment. The company’s equipment is perfect for monoclonal antibodies and bio-pesticide applications. The ID S...

Avantor single-use solutions

Avantor single-use solutions Get connected... Offering an experienced collaborative approach to designing single-use systems that keep your production line running. Literature Avantor biopharma videos Technical Articles Avantor is the only open-ar...

Valve Selection Guide

Valve Selection Guide Valve Terms Breaking Pressure: The minimum pressure required to produce flow through a valve. Duty Cycle: 100% duty cycle is defined as continuous operation without any damage occurring. For intermittent duty cycle (<100%) al...

Designing Novel Fluid Sampling Systems for GMP Operations

Designing Novel Fluid Sampling Systems for GMP Operations Webinar On demand Replay Sampling is a requirement in every process step of biopharmaceutical manufacturing with an increasing demand on accuracy the closer it comes to final finish. The we...

Sampling Solutions

Sampling Solutions Exact Volume Sampling Solutionss New aseptic and accurate sampling solutions from Avantor designed for your high value critical samples are flexible and scalable while reducing contamination risk. What fluid handling solution ca...

TYGON Fuel and Lubricant (F-4040-A) Tubing

TYGON Fuel and Lubricant (F-4040-A) Tubing Advantages: Specially formulated to transport hydrocarbons petroleum products and distillates. Suitable for gasoline kerosene heating oils cutting fluids and glycol-based coolants. Minimum extractability....

Guide to Liquid Pumps

Guide to Liquid Pumps Use the guide below to help you select the best type of pump for your application. This information is intended as a general guideline and will not hold true for all pumps within a classification; check individual pump specif...

Silicone (peroxide-cured) Tubing

Silicone (peroxide-cured) Tubing Advantages: Excellent biocompatibility; no leachable additives DOP or plasticizers; odorless and nontoxic fungus resistant. No taste imparted to transported fluids. Extremely good at low temperatures. Weather ozone...

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.3-2 - Pharmed Tubing

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.3-2 - Pharmed Tubing PharMed tubing outlasts silicone tubing in peristaltic pumps by up to 30 times (up to 10000 hours) simplifying your processes by reducing production downtime due to pump tubing failure. The...

Peristaltiske pumper - matche slangen til væsken

Peristaltiske pumper - matche slangen til væsken Considering peristaltic pump tubing performance parameters Reprinted with permission of Putman Media Inc. Originally published in Chemical Processing magazine October 2001 Tubing is an essential par...
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