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Consumables and liquid handling

Consumables and liquid handling Avantor selected for you essentials consumables and liquid handling for any lab when you go back to work Autoclavable waste disposal bags Bottles and carboys Collect and protect your sample with the right sampling b...

From pipeline to patient: How Ready-to-Use vials can accelerate the drug development process

From pipeline to patient: How Ready-to-Use vials can accelerate the drug development process Webinar Thursday 5th October 2023 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendanc...

Final fill for recombinant proteins

Final fill for recombinant proteins Progressing from the drug substance to the final injectable drug product requires final packaging vials and stoppers that meet a number of quality requirements. To meet these requirements products must be prepar...

Final fill for vaccines

Final fill for vaccines Progressing from the drug substance to the final injectable drug product requires final packaging vials and stoppers that meet a number of quality requirements. To meet these requirements products must be prepared in an ISO...

Final fill for mAbs

Final fill for mAbs Progressing from the drug substance to the final injectable drug product requires final packaging vials and stoppers that meet a number of quality requirements. To meet these requirements products must be prepared in an ISO Cla...

@@NUMMER 8090145@@

@@NUMMER 8090145@@ Myco-4 For the treatment of Mycoplasma-infected cells Product code A8366 Description Contamination of cell cultures by mycoplasma is a common problem. Mycoplasma contamination causes biochemical changes as well as changes in the...

Final fill for gene therapy

Final fill for gene therapy To meet these requirements products must be prepared in an ISO Class 5 environment and meet USP71 USP85 and USP758 requirements to be sterile pyrogen-free and particulate-free. They must also be validated for use in sto...

Sterile og ikke-sterile hansker

Sterile og ikke-sterile hansker VWR tilbyr et bredt utvalg hansker for bruk i renrom som er knyttet til tekniske og funksjonelle behov innen cytotoksisk produksjon. Ytelseskrav som grep komfort og lengde varierer og påvirker hvilke hansker som vel...

Hichrom Catalogue 9

Hichrom Catalogue 9 HICHROM Chromatography Columns and Supplies Hichrom Limited 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Theale Reading Berks RG7 4PE UK Tel: +44 (0)118 930 3660 Fax: +44 (0)118 932 3484 Email: Catalo...

Sterile Filtration

Sterile Filtration Featured Solutions Acroprep 24-well filter plates offer researchers a complete solution for their workflow needs from cell harvesting to final sample preparation for analysis Learn more Additional Resources Video Brochure Sample...

cytobrochure article ITW Texwipe

37 | VWR CLEANING OF COMPOUNDING ASEPTIC ISOLATORS (CAIS) AND CLASS II BIOLOGICAL SAFETY CABINETS (BSCS) Overview Compounding Aseptic Isolators and Class II biological safety cabinets are used in hospital pharmacies and other dispensing facilities...

Cell Biology: Suppliers, Products, & Resources

Cell Biology Cells are the fundamental unit of life. That’s why when you are focused on cell biology you need a supplier who can provide all the tools products and supplies you need to keep your lab functioning at its peak. You can be concerned wi...


to protect your samples Everything you need Thermo Scientific Cold Storage Tubes and Accessories and decrease cost maximize storage space You can decrease the cost to store your samples by HALF simply by maximizing your storage space. The cost to ...

IP Mycoplasm

infoPoint Surveys of cultures from labs all over the world reveal a strong prevalence of contamination by Mycoplasma and other Mollicutes. Depending on the method of detection 10-40% of continuous cell lines have been tested positively. The specie...


Want more? • Get a free Spectroquant® Chlorine test kit for your order of Spectroquant® colorimeter Picco Cl2 / O3 / ClO2 / CyA / pH. Do you need to control the efficiency of disinfectants – safely? Merck offers the largest vari...

How to reduce your sample loss to significantly improve your results

How to reduce your sample loss to significantly improve your results Webinar Thursday 9th November 2023 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance We will examine how small ch...
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