Anti-SNCA Rat Monoclonal Antibody

ALX804258L001 ALX804258LC05
ENZOALX804258L001EA 5275 NOK
ENZOALX804258L001 ENZOALX804258LC05
Anti-SNCA Rat Monoclonal Antibody
Synuclein was originally identified in Torpedo californica as a small neuroprotein that localized to the nuclear envelope of neurons and to presynaptic nerve termini. The human homolog was initially termed NACP, a precursor protein to NAC (Non-Ab Component), because of its prevalence in amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s patients. Later, NACP was recognized as being alpha-Synuclein (alpha-SYN), a 14kDa protein, belonging to the synuclein family of phosphoproteins that also includes: betalpha-SYNuclein, gammalpha-SYNuclein, and synoretin.
alpha-SYN is recognized as a key component in theMore Product Information
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