Kontaktskål, strålebehandlet

Leverandør: VWR Chemicals

141114ZIEA 2675 NOK
141114ZI 141114PY 141114RY 141114TI 140884ZI 140884TI 140774ZI 140774TI 140070ZI 151203ZA 140884CY 141114XI
Kontaktskål, strålebehandlet
Mikrobiologiske medier Kontaktplater

Contact plates are ideal for monitoring microbiological contamination of surfaces and air (using an air sampler) inside cleanrooms, isolators, RABS (Restricted Access Barrier), the food industry and hospitals. Triple-wrapping ensures that the package itself does not contaminate the environment, as the first wrapper is removed just before entering a clean area. Plate packaging containing PCA is not irradiated.

  • Plates packed in special triple-wrapped packaging with irradiation indicator
  • Can use PET, transparent, reusable container to transport plates to the laboratory after sampling
  • Special packaging to protect the product during transport and storage
  • Available with TLHTh (Tween®, lecithin, histidine, thiosulphate) disinfectant neutralisers
  • Available with certificate of irradiation/dosimetry
  • VHP resistance studies available for all triple-wrapped plates

Forpakning: Platene er pakket fem og fem i krympeplastfolie. Hver pose inneholder to pakker (ti plater). Esken som leveres, inneholder åtte poser med totalt 80 plater.

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