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Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: Thermal fluids with a wide range of operating temperatures and good thrmodynamic properties for use in circulators and heating systems where water is not appropriate.

Artikkenummer: (HUBE9771)
Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: This breather controller enables small pressurisation of the expansion vessel.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Artikkenummer: (HUBE10503)
Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: This gateway enables the connection of temperature control units to Profibus systems.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikkenummer: (HUBE10645)
Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: The Pilot Remote software enables the complete remote control of temperature control units with Pilot ONE through a Windows PC.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: Heating circulation bath thermostats with polycarbonate or stainless steel baths, which are simple to use and are suitable for a variety of applications such as: sample temperature control, analysis, materials testing or checking food. The units offer high temperature stability and are fitted with over-temperature and low level protection suitable for Safety Class III/FL (DIN 12876) for use with flammable fluids. A powerful pressure/suction pump ensures optimum circulation and temperature homogenity in the bath and also allows temperature control of externally attached applications using a pump adapter (accessory). There is a range of accessories including inserts, variable adjustable platforms, bath covers, probes as well as hoses, temperature control fluids and various adapters.

Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: The TC range of immersion coolers are a flexible solution for a variety of cooling tasks. They are universally used for rapid cooling of fluids. Typical applications include counter-cooling for heat circulation thermostats or replacing cooling by dry ice, they are also an environmentally friendly alternative to mains water cooling. The TC immersion coolers are suitable for unsupervised use, for cooling tasks which require continuous cooling or as a variant with temperature control and a PT100 probe.

Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: Circulating bath thermostats with baths made from stainless steel are simple to use and suitable for many applications such as: sample temperature control, analysis, material testing or checking food. The units offer high temperature stability and are fitted with over-temperature and low level protection suitable for use with flammable fluids. A powerful pressure/suction pump ensures optimum circulation and temperature homogenity in the bath and also allows temperature control of external applications using a pump adapter (accessory). There is a range of optional accessories including inserts, variable adjustable platforms, bath covers, probes as well as tubing, temperature-control fluids and various adapters, please see www.vwr.com for details.

Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: Trolley, For: Ministat 230/230w

Artikkenummer: (HUBE9442)
Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: Trolley, For: TC100, TC100-F, TC100E-F, TC100-F
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: For external thermo regulation applications.

Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: Com.G@te®. The interfaces are integrated RS232 (bi-directional), RS485 (bi-directional), ECS external control signal, volt free contact, AIF analogue interface 0/4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V (bi-directional). Connections comply with NAMUR standard.

Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: Disse kompakte, isolerte kjøletermostatbadene er ideelle for direkte temperaturkontroll fra −90 til +200 °C. Det lave badvolumet og den høye oppvarmings- og kjølekapasiteten gir rask oppvarming og nedkjøling. Hastigheten kan økes ytterligere ved hjelp av fortrengningsinnsatsene (tilleggsutstyr). Ved hjelp av kalibreringsinnsatser (tilleggsutstyr) kan termostatbad brukes som kalibreringsbad.

Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: The Cooling Bath are water baths with air-cooled refrigerating unit and use natural refrigerants. Housing and tank of stainless steel. The refrigerating unit works continuously.

Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: 2-way header, M30×1,5, For: The 2-way header with universal mounting bracket for wall mounting the manifold. A suitable length hose is required to connect the manifold and the temperature control unit. For a direct connection to the unit an additional elbow connector is required.

Artikkenummer: (HUBE2035.0012.98)
Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: Immersion thermostats are suitable for controlling the temperature of any bath, includes screw clamp allows the thermostats to be easily mounted on any vessels. All models are fitted with a powerful pressure/suction pump. Temperatures down to −30 °C can be achieved in combination with a refrigerated bath. A pump adapter for external temperature control and cooling coils for a cooling water connection are available as optional accessories.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Produsent: HUBER
Beskrivelse: A range of control cables is available for USB, RS232, RS485 or analogue interfaces (AIF). Cables are also available for external control signal (ECS), a potentialfree contact (POKO) or for an external float switch (LEVEL).

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Lager for dette punktet er begrenset, men kan være tilgjengelig i en lagerbygning i nærheten av deg. Vennligst sørg for at du er logget inn på nettstedet, slik at tilgjengelige lager kan vises. Hvis call er fortsatt vises og du trenger hjelp, kan du ringe oss på 1-800-932 - 5000.
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OBS! Etanol er underlagt bestemmelse om særavgift, jfr LOV-1993-05-19-11-§1. VWR selger kun etanol til kunder som kan fremlegge avgiftsfritak for udenaturert etanol, jfr. § 3-3-7 ( forskrifter om særavgifter).
NB Dette produkt er regulert i henhold til norsk lov.
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OBS! Etanol er underlagt bestemmelse om særavgift, jfr LOV-1993-05-19-11-§1. VWR selger kun etanol til kunder som kan fremlegge avgiftsfritak for udenaturert etanol, jfr. § 3-3-7 ( forskrifter om særavgifter).
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