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Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: Isoamyl alcohol (mixture of isomers), EMPLURA®, Supelco®


Artikkenummer: (9032-01)
Produsent: Avantor
Beskrivelse: Isoamyl alcohol (mixture of isomers) ≥98%, BAKER ANALYZED®, J.T.Baker®
UOM: 1 * 500 mL


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Produsent: Thermo Scientific
Beskrivelse: iso-Amylalkohol mixture of isomers ≥99%
Artikkenummer: (0883-100ML)
Produsent: VWR Chemicals
Beskrivelse: Phenol:Chloroform pH 6.7/8.0 is premixed with isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1). A phenol:chloroform mixture is ideal for the extraction of protein from DNA preparations. Packaged at pH 6.7, this product is accompanied by a separate alkaline buffer which allows the researcher to increase the pH to 8.0. Doubly distilled, high purity phenol packaged under nitrogen. Safer, easier alternative to crystalline phenol.
UOM: 1 * 100 mL

HMS Sertifikater

Artikkenummer: (0966-400ML)
Produsent: VWR Chemicals
Beskrivelse: Phenol / Chloroform #2- A 25:24:1 mixture of phenol, chloroform, and isoamyl alcohol useful for preparing RNA with maximal recovery of poly (A+) RNA for subsequent mRNA purification and generation of cDNA.
UOM: 1 * 400 mL

HMS Sertifikater

Produsent: VWR Chemicals
Beskrivelse: Packaged at pH 6.6, this mixture is provided with a supplemental alkaline buffer that allows the researcher to easily increase the pH to 7.9 for DNA purification. When mixed with Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (24:1), it makes an optimised reagent for DNA purification. Doubly distilled, high purity phenol packaged under nitrogen. Safer, easier alternative to crystalline phenol.
Produsent: Apollo Scientific
Beskrivelse: Tridecanol (mixture of isomers)

Produsent: TCI
Beskrivelse: Tridecanol (mixture of isomers)

Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: Due to its specific melting range the product may be solid, liquid, a solidified melt or a supercooled melt.


Beskrivelse: Isopentyl nitrite, also known as isoamyl nitrite, is an oxidant, and nitrosating agent for phosphoramidites which rearrange into phosphotriesters during nitrosation.

Produsent: MP Biomedicals
Beskrivelse: Applications: Ready-Red™ is used either to remove traces of phenol from the aqueous phase or can be mixed directly with AquaPhenol™ (void volume in AquaPhenol™ bottle is adapted to this purpose).
Product Overview: Ready-Red™ is a Chloroform:isoamyl alcohol 24:1 with red dye solution which facilitates separation of organic and aqueous phases. It improves recovery.
Product Description: Ready-Red™ is a coloured mixture of chloroform and isoamyl alcohol. The red colour (non toxic dye), facilitates the visualization and the separation of aqueous and organic phases during nucleic acids purification by means of phenolic extractions. The red dye of Ready-Red™ is not water-soluble and does not interfere with the quality of the nucleic acids purified. The nucleic acids recovered can be used in all standard experiments of molecular biology such as sequencing, PCR, cloning, transformations, etc.

Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: Isopentyl nitrite (mixed isomers ) stabilised, Sigma-Aldrich®


Produsent: Thermo Scientific
Beskrivelse: Isopentyl nitrite (mixed isomers ) 97% stabilised


Produsent: MP Biomedicals
Beskrivelse: Farnesol is a polyprenyl alcohol found in plant essential oils. It is an inducer of apoptosis in cell cultures.

Produsent: Thermo Scientific
Beskrivelse: Stabilized with 0.2% anhyd. sodium carbonate
Produsent: VWR Chemicals
Beskrivelse: A premixed solution of 24 parts chloroform to 1 part isoamyl alcohol. Combined with phenol (1:1) for nucleic acid purification procedures.
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Lager for dette punktet er begrenset, men kan være tilgjengelig i en lagerbygning i nærheten av deg. Vennligst sørg for at du er logget inn på nettstedet, slik at tilgjengelige lager kan vises. Hvis call er fortsatt vises og du trenger hjelp, kan du ringe oss på 1-800-932 - 5000.
NB Dette produkt er regulert i henhold til norsk lov.
Dersom ytterligere informasjon er nødvendig fra deg vil du bli kontaktet av VWR via e-post.
OBS! Etanol er underlagt bestemmelse om særavgift, jfr LOV-1993-05-19-11-§1. VWR selger kun etanol til kunder som kan fremlegge avgiftsfritak for udenaturert etanol, jfr. § 3-3-7 ( forskrifter om særavgifter).
NB Dette produkt er regulert i henhold til norsk lov.
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OBS! Etanol er underlagt bestemmelse om særavgift, jfr LOV-1993-05-19-11-§1. VWR selger kun etanol til kunder som kan fremlegge avgiftsfritak for udenaturert etanol, jfr. § 3-3-7 ( forskrifter om særavgifter).
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