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Artikkenummer: (B9431-5MG)
Beskrivelse: Useful for quantitating biotin binding sites. This reagent binds to avidin more quickly than conventional fluorescein biotin.
UOM: 1 * 5 mg

Artikkenummer: (201871-10G)
Beskrivelse: As a direct dye, Direct Yellow 27 is an acid dye with large molecules that will bind to cellulose fibers directly. It is mono azo dye with good light fastness.
UOM: 1 * 10 g

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Artikkenummer: (1B1558-KIT)
Produsent: VWR Chemicals
Beskrivelse: Fluorescent DNA Quantitation Kit uses fluorescent bisBenzimide H33258 dye to bind to AT sequences of the minor groove of double-stranded DNA. In the assay, the sample is excited at 360 nm and when the dye binds to dsDNA an emission spectrum at 460 nm is produced.
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Beskrivelse: Thioflavin T is a benzothiazole dye that increases in fluorescence upon binding to amyloid. Thioflavin T has been used in histology and for protein characterization.

Produsent: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivelse: Mag-Bind® TotalPure NGS offers an easy-to-use, reliable solution for the purification of both DNA and RNA for next-generation sequencing workflows with high recovery rates. Mag-Bind® TotalPure NGS is capable of selectively binding fragments depending on the reagent to sample ratio used, giving the user flexibility to perform left, right or double-sided size selection.
Artikkenummer: (PHR1351-1G)
Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: A component of membrane phospholipids, glycosyl­phosphatidyl­inositol anchors that bind glycoproteins to cell membranes, and inositol phosphate second messengers.
UOM: 1 * 1 g

Artikkenummer: (18909-100ML-F)
Beskrivelse: Fluorescent stain for rapid detection of yeasts, fungi and parasitic organisms. Calcofluor white is a non-specific fluorochrom that binds to cellucose and chitin in cell walls.
UOM: 1 * 100 mL

Beskrivelse: 3-Ethoxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde is a derivative of vanillin. 3-Ethoxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde may be used to synthesise Compound of Designation red 10 binding (CDr10b) to investigate its role in neuroinflammatory diseases.

Artikkenummer: (USBI029890)
Produsent: US Biological
Beskrivelse: Anti-Cortisol Binding Globulin Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Artikkenummer: (USBIT5461-01E)
Produsent: US Biological
Beskrivelse: Anti-Thyroxine Binding Globulin Sheep Polyclonal Antibody
UOM: 1 * 1 mL

Artikkenummer: (USBIT5461-01D)
Produsent: US Biological
Beskrivelse: Anti-Thyroxine Binding Globulin Sheep Polyclonal Antibody
UOM: 1 * 1 mL

Artikkenummer: (USBIP1001-25Q)
Produsent: US Biological
Beskrivelse: Anti-p53 Binding Protein 1 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Artikkenummer: (USBIC7945-16H)
Produsent: US Biological
Beskrivelse: Anti-Csk Binding Protein Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Artikkenummer: (USBIR1665-35-100)
Produsent: US Biological
Beskrivelse: Anti-Retinoblastoma Binding Protein 7 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Artikkenummer: (USBIM2197-03B)
Produsent: US Biological
Beskrivelse: Anti-Syntaxin-binding protein 1 Goat Polyclonal Antibody
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Artikkenummer: (USBIC2099-05G)
Produsent: US Biological
Beskrivelse: Anti-CCCTC-Binding Factor Sheep Polyclonal Antibody
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

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