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Artikkenummer: (HYPE6PME02CG)
Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Use this Thermo Scientific™ SureSTART™ GOLD-grade glass insert, performance level 3, in 2 ml vials when analysing small sample sizes (<2 ml samples) containing analytes such as polar compounds that strongly adsorb on the glass surface are sensitive to sample pH changes.
UOM: 1 * 1.000 Items

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: This SilFlow 3-port device allows column switching in GC-MS without the need to vent.

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Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Mid-polarity columns well-suited to GC/MS applications.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Thick film columns for the analysis of volatile analytes.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: TRACE™ TR-FFAP GC columns produce outstanding robustness in difficult-to-analyse separations.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Optimised for system qualification tests for new GC-MS installations or during service/maintenance of an existing instrument.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Application-specific columns for organophosphorus pesticides.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: This low-bleed, stable column produces consistent results.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Copper or stainless steel tubing.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Delivers robust reproducible gradients with the Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer platform that is applicable to a wide range of MAbs and ready to use with existing LC columns and systems, without the need to formulate mobile phases.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Application-specific columns for blood alcohol analysis.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Made of low-bleed silicone, these septa have excellent mechanical properties and are ideal for demanding GC-MS applications.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: The MAbPac™ HIC-20 HPLC column are designed for separation of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), mAb fragments and oxidised variants by hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC).

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Disse kolonnene gir unik selektivitet for aromatiske og moderat polare analytter. Passer for komplekse prøver, hvor enkelte topper løses godt i en fase med fenyl, mens andre krever en tradisjonell fase med alkyl. Disse enhetene er basert på Core Enhanced Technology og gir raske separasjoner med høy oppløsning uten forhøyet mottrykk som kreves ved partikler på under 2 µm.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: These high resolution reversed phase columns are used to separate proteins and peptides.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: These columns are used for the high resolution separation of the proteins and peptides.

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