Du søkte etter: Microarray instrumenter

Microarray instruments perform microarrays for genotyping, antibody detection, and comparative genome analysis. Separate components can be purchased to produce, process, scan, and analyse microarrays, and entire systems are available for scanning and analysis. Portable benchtop microarrayers can perform high-density printing on multiple glass substrates simultaneously and with excellent field uniformity. Models featuring special low-fluorescence lenses are ideal for diagnostic applications. Colorimetric systems allow researchers to scan the full spectrum of pigmented labels and import the images into any standard microarray analysis software package.

Microarray instruments perform microarrays for genotyping, antibody detection, and comparative genome analysis. Separate components can be purchased to produce, process, scan, and analyse microarrays, and entire systems are available for scanning and analysis. Portable benchtop microarrayers can perform high-density printing on multiple glass substrates simultaneously and with excellent field uniformity. Models featuring special low-fluorescence lenses are ideal for diagnostic applications. Colorimetric systems allow researchers to scan the full spectrum of pigmented labels and import the images into any standard microarray analysis software package.

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Artikkenummer: (MLDVGENEPIX4100A-U)
Beskrivelse: GenePix® 4100A Microarray Scanner offers its simplicity, reliability and flexibility in microarray-based research, be it in genomics, proteomics, or novel applications. It has all the quality, sensitivity, reliability and ease-of use of more expensive scanners, but in a price range and bench top footprint that makes it ideal for individual lab use.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Beskrivelse: The GenePix® 4300A and GenePix® 4400A scanners offer high resolution, high quality imaging with 3-laser excitation. Configurations include 5 μm or 2,5 μm per-pixel maximum scanning resolution, choices of up to four lasers for excitation, and sixteen emission-wavelength filters.

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Artikkenummer: (MLDVGENEPIX4000B-U)
Beskrivelse: The GenePix® 4000B microarray scanner is a benchmark for quality, reliability and ease-of-use in microarray scanning technology. Coupled with GenePix® Pro microarray image analysis software and Acuity® microarray informatics software, the GenePix system sets the highest standards in the acquisition and analysis of data from all types of arrays, including nucleic acids, proteins, tissues, and cells.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Produsent: Simport Scientific
Beskrivelse: T-Sue™ Microarray mold, enabling tissues from many donor blocks to be arrayed on a single slide.

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