Du søkte etter: HTS-mikroplater

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SureSTART autosampler rør og mikroplater

SureSTART autosampler rør og mikroplater Med 3 definerte ytelsesklasser - delt inn etter ytelse og krav - blir valget av riktig Thermo Scientific-™ SureSTART™ produkt enkelt entydig og lett. Få mer ut av forbruksbudsjettet ditt Innebygde mengderab...

Animal-free hydrogel - taking you from cell to therapy

Animal-free hydrogel - taking you from cell to therapy Tuesday 28th April 2020 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Replay for 1 Year Are your 3D cell cultures truly reproducible and scalable? G...

Permeable Support Systems

Permeable Support Systems Create in vivo -like cell culture environment using Transwell permeable supports to enhance cell growth for both anchorage-dependent and feeder-independent cell lines. Corning permeable supports are available in a variety...

J.T.Baker® Robotspisser og -plater

J.T.Baker® Robotic Tips Carousel J.T.Baker® robotspisser og plater J.T.Baker® premium robotspisser og -plater er tilbehør som brukes til automatisert væskehåndtering. De er designet for å kunne brukes med de mest populære robotarbeidsstasjonene fr...

Spheroid microplates with ULA surface for spheroid and organoid cultures

Spheroid microplates with ULA surface for spheroid and organoid cultures In vitro 3D cell culture models are widely recognized as more physiologically relevant systems compared to 2D formats. The 3D models reflect more accurately the complex in vi...

High-throughput and high-content 3D cell culture assays - Discover the hits that matter

High-throughput and high-content 3D cell culture assays - Discover the hits that matter Webinar Tuesday 27th April 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Register Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Efficaciou...