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Du søkte etter: Holmium(III)-2,4-pentanedionate

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Spektroskopi Her finner du en stor økende serie spektrofotometre og biofotometre tilpasset dine behov. Du kan også anskaffe deg andre instrumenter reagenser cuvetter til alt tilhørende behov. Utforsk mer Standard for spektofotometerkalibrering Kal...

3M PSD PeltorX Series Brochure

3M Personal Safety Division 3M™ Peltor™ X Series levels of Comfort Durability 3M™ PELTOR's highest and Protection The Power to Protect Your World.SM The new 3M™ Peltor™ X Series ear muffs offer a wide range of attenuation levels that helps meet ma...

Production magazine 2023-24

Production magazine 2023-24 Få verdifull informasjon fra ekspertene hos Avantor og våre pålitelige partnere på tvers av alle industrigrener om hvordan kravene i oppdateringen av vedlegg 1 om miljøvennlige løsninger for dine anvendelser best kan op...

(Microsoft PowerPoint - Pr\344sentation VWR ChromJournal_Chromolith WP Epoxy-Immobilization_062018-v

(Microsoft PowerPoint - Pr\344sentation VWR ChromJournal_Chromolith WP Epoxy-Immobilization_062018-vs2_BP \(005\).PPTX [Read-Only]) Benjamin Peters Tom Kupfer Gisela Jung Peter Knoell Egidijus Machtejevas Petra Lewits Juni 2018 via immobilization ...

Complete ICP-MS standards range at 10 mg/l

Complete ICP-MS standards range at 10 mg/l 68 single elements ICP-MS standards for metal trace analysis calibration Large ICP-MS single element standards range at 10 mg/l delivered with an extensive Certificate of Analysis (NIST traceability contr...


Permeable Supports Selection Guide Including Transwell® and Falcon® Cell Culture Inserts 2 About Corning® Permeable Supports Permeable supports also known as cell culture inserts are an essential tool for the study of both anchorage-dependent and ...


Permeable Supports Selection Guide Including Transwell® and Falcon® Cell Culture Inserts 2 About Corning® Permeable Supports Permeable supports also known as cell culture inserts are an essential tool for the study of both anchorage-dependent and ...

VWR® CHF5CB coveralls

VWR® CHF5CB coveralls Don´t compromise on comfort or safety Are you looking for a good basic protection for applications that are less demanding in terms of protection? These VWR CHF5CB overalls are not hot to wear or as fragile as a microporous f...


Permeable Supports Quick Reference Ordering Guide Including Transwell® and Falcon® Cell Culture Inserts Quick Reference Ordering Information Uncoated Individual Inserts Transwell® Permeable Supports Polycarbonate (PC) Membrane Membrane Cat. No. De...


Permeable Supports Quick Reference Ordering Guide Including Transwell® and Falcon® Cell Culture Inserts Quick Reference Ordering Information Uncoated Individual Inserts Transwell® Permeable Supports Polycarbonate (PC) Membrane Membrane Cat. No. De...

Biotium NucView-Flyer

Live Cell Apoptosis Assays NucView® fluorogenic caspase substrates for real-time apoptosis detection in live cells NucView® caspase-3 substrates are novel fluorescent probes that allow real-time detection of caspase-3/7 activity in intact cells. T...

Masterflex Ismatec Peristaltic Pump Selection Guide

Masterflex Ismatec Peristaltic Pump Selection Guide Contents Why Select Masterflex Ismatec? Selecting a Masterflex Ismatec Pump Selecting Ismatec Pump Tubing Pump System and Drive Selection by Flow Range Why Select Masterflex Ismatec? Flow rates a...

Matrigel® Matrix, ECMs and Scaffolds

Matrigel® Matrix ECMs and Scaffolds Corning® Matrigel® Matrix— making 3D Cell Culture easier than ever. Corning Ultra-Low Attachment surface a unique hydrogel surface designed to prevent cell attachment inhibits specific and nonspecific immobiliza...

Broch Sartoclear Dynamics Lab SL 1550e

Sartoclear Dynamics® Lab Convenient Mammalian Cell Culture Harvesting Centrifuge Syringe Filters Centrifuge Filtration Units 70% Faster Clarification and Sterile Filtration of up to 1000 mL Mammalian Cell Cultures Sartoclear Dynamics® Lab is a new...

MasterflexLive fjern slangepumpeovervåking fra Masterflex

MasterflexLive Fjernovervåkning av pumpen Overvåke kritiske pumpeprosesser 24/7 med MasterflexLive Få det meste ut av dine MasterflexLive® apper besvar spørsmål og løs problemer. MasterflexLive online kunnskapsbase Med MasterflexLive® får du sannt...

Masterflex L/S slangealternativer

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