Du søkte etter: Mycophenolic acid
176 treff i ditt søk
Kjemikaliehåndtering og lagring
Kjemikaliehåndtering og lagring Enten du lagrer kjemikalier på et fast sted eller flytter dem fra sted til sted så kan vi hjelpe deg med å oppfylle de sikkerhetsbehovene som du vil ha for ditt laboratorium. Se de lagrings- og transport løsningene ...
Production Chemicals News
Production Chemicals News PESTINORM® SUPRA TRACE solvents for pesticide and organic substance trace analysis PESTINORM® SUPRA TRACE – a universal solvent for every application Secondary reference standards for Gas Chromatography Aqueous solutions ...
Microflex® 93-260 nitrile and neoprene double-coated disposable gloves
Microflex® 93-260 nitrile and neoprene double-coated disposable gloves Thinnest chemical resistant synthetic composite disposable glove Three layer design for superior protection against harsh chemicals including acids solvents and bases Thin mil ...
Merck for the food & beverage industry
Merck for the food & beverage industry Taste the Quality of Merck Individual products and tailor-made chemicals for your applications in food and beverage... Staying up to date with the most recent developments is crucial to help you to guarantee ...
NGS Library Clean-up & Sizing
NGS Library Clean-up & Sizing Featured Solutions The Mag-Bind TotalPure NGS offers efficient clean-up and size selection of DNA and RNA for NGS workflows using magnetic beads. Learn more Additional Resources Product Manual Quick Guide sparQ PureMa...
Chemical_CapabilityTable_v011.indd For Research Use Only © 2016 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. PFLSPSTORAGECHEM 0716 Chemical Compatibility ...
News NEW! Shenandoah Biotechnology cytokines and growth factors Specialising in the manufacturing of recombinant proteins providing cytokines chemokines and growth factors... DNA sample collection cards – NEW! Ahlstrom-Munksjö specimen collection ...
VWR Collection cleanroom nitrile gloves
VWR Collection cleanroom nitrile gloves NEW! Switch cleanroom gloves from latex to nitrile with the brand new VWR Collection nitrile alternative. High tensile strength and strong permeation resistance against a wide variety of solvents acids and b...
Minimate™ Tangential Flow Filtration System
Minimate™ Tangential Flow Filtration System Minimate™ Tangential Flow Filtration System Streamline laboratory-scale concentration desalting and buffer exchange processes. picture from research brochure page 10 System’s plug-n-play design includes ...
Merck Supelco HPLC-kolonner
Merck Supelco HPLC-kolonner I tillegg til Supelco serien med HPLC og UHPLC kolonner kan vi nå tilby den best utfylte serien i stasjons faser noen sinne. Her er hoved fokusproduktene fra Merck Supelo serien som imøtekommer alle dine behov for kromo...
Media fill simulations of beverage bottling and photometric determination of ultra-low bromate in drinking water
Media fill simulations of beverage bottling and photometric determination of ultra-low bromate in drinking water When producing low-acid aseptic beverages you want to be sure that your filling line is not contaminated with spoilage bacteria yeasts...
Detection & Quantitation
Detection & Quantitation Detection & Quantitation Accurate concentration and purity measurements of extracted DNA and RNA are key to ensure reproducibility and significance of experimental data. Our selection of spectrophotometers for both microvo...
Amplification & NGS
Amplification & NGS Amplification & NGS Inform yourself and get equipped with everything needed to obtain reliable non-biased PCR results as well as qPCR or NGS data. From quality consumables and reagents to most advanced thermal cyclers. Don't fo...
Prosessperistaltiske pumper gir robuste og effektive løsninger for krevende gruveapplikasjoner
Prosessperistaltiske pumper gir robuste og effektive løsninger for krevende gruveapplikasjoner Gregg E. Johnson Masterflex Barrington IL USA. With Masterflex ® peristaltic pumps a well-balanced range of capabilities and flexibility combines with o...
Viton Tubing Specifications
Viton Tubing Specifications Advantages: Our most chemical-resistant tubing. Resistant to corrosives solvents and oils at elevated temperature. Low gas permeability. Limitations: Limited pumping life. Application Suitability: Acids: Excellent Alkal...
High-Purity Solvents & Reagents
High-Purity Solvents & Reagents J.T.Baker® and Macron Fine Chemicals™ brand high purity solvents and reagents give you the performance you need - minimising the risk of contaminants that can limit accuracy while maximising instrument sensitivity a...
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