Media fill simulations of beverage bottling and photometric determination of ultra-low bromate in drinking water

When producing low-acid aseptic beverages you want to be sure that your filling line is not contaminated with spoilage bacteria, yeasts or molds. Merck’s granulated ready-mixed Linden Grain Medium was developed in cooperation with beverage customers for media fill simulations. Bromate has a potentially carcinogenic effect when ingested orally, therefore a limit of 0.01 mg/L has been set in the currently applicable drinking-water regulations. Merck has issued a method using Spectroquant Prove 600 for ultra low bromate concentrations.
- Media fill simulations of beverage bottling and ice-crusher installations
- Photometric determination of ultra-low bromate in drinking water
Application Notes
Media fill simulations of beverage bottling and ice-crusher installations
Photometric determination of ultra-low bromate in drinking water