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21  treff i ditt søk

3M One Touch Pro Brochure

Conveniently provide hearing protection where employees need it. The 3M™ One Touch™ Pro Earplug Dispenser dispenses one earplug at a time with a simple twist. No more expense and waste of individually wrapped plugs. Made from ABS plastic with a po...

3M Hearing Directive Pocket Guide English

When selecting hearing protectors you should take into account both the level of noise the wearer is exposed to and the working environment in order to provide the optimum level of protection. Whatever hearing protector is chosen it must be worn a...

VWR presenterer 3M-løsninger fra deteksjon til beskyttelse og validering

VWR presenterer 3M-løsninger fra deteksjon til beskyttelse og validering Hearing Protection Easy solutions to complex hearing protection challenges Som en viktig strategisk partner for VWR innen personlig verneutstyr og sikkerhetsløsninger er 3M l...

3M PSD PeltorX Series Brochure

3M Personal Safety Division 3M™ Peltor™ X Series levels of Comfort Durability 3M™ PELTOR's highest and Protection The Power to Protect Your World.SM The new 3M™ Peltor™ X Series ear muffs offer a wide range of attenuation levels that helps meet ma...

Redusere pulsering i peristaltiske pumpesystemer

Redusere pulsering i peristaltiske pumpesystemer Some applications for persistaltic pumps. especially in the laboratory are sensitive to pulsating fluid flow. A number of steps can be taken to reduce the pulsating effect. Introduction to Pump Puls...


Masterflex-videoer Teknisk støtte på din timeplan Søk gjennom vårt omfattende videobibliotek for å lære mer om et spesifikt produkt oppdag hvordan du velger riktig produkt for bruksområdet eller finn teknisk support når du trenger det. Montering o...

What is a PCR Workstation?

What is a PCR Workstation? A PCR workstation is a dedicated space within your lab to conduct polymerase chain reactions (PCR). PCR workstations are also called PCR hoods and provide a workspace enclosed on three sides to provide a contaminant-free...

Peristaltisk flerkanalpumpe OEM hensyn

Peristaltisk flerkanalpumpe OEM hensyn Considerations When Using Multichannel Peristaltic Pumps for OEM Applications by John Batts – Senior Technical Specialist Masterflex In many industries peristaltic pump technology has proven to be invaluable....

Standard Products

Standard Products Through VWR part of Avantor choose from over 100 standard products that have been designed to solve many common bioprocess applications. All products featured below are available for prompt delivery. Not seeing what you're lookin...

En lærerik opplevelse: Å følge veien til en Ismatec®-pumpe

En lærerik opplevelse: Å følge veien til en Ismatec®-pumpe Masterflex Ismatec pump featured at the Museum of Science & Industry in Chicago Photos: J.B. Spector / Museum of Science Industry. Exploring the heart is a compelling venture. For those to...

Cavity Style vs. Suction Shoe Style Pump Heads

Cavity Style vs. Suction Shoe Style Pump Heads Pump-head design comparison for gear pumps This article discusses the differences between the cavity style and the suction shoe pump heads for gear pumps. Pump heads for gear pumps are available as wi...

brochure BRAND Inserts

High flexibility – to be used as a hanging or standing insert Easy to use and efficient in your cell culture lab cellGrade™ plus treated membranes for improved cell attachment and growth Genuine innovat ion for ce l l cu l ture BRAND Inser ts N E ...

latest hearing standards

58 Technical Information EN 352-1 General Requirements - Earmuffs EN 352-2 General Requirements - Earplugs EN 352-3 General Requirements - Helmet Mounted Earmuffs EN 352-4 Safety requirements and testing - Level Dependent Earmuffs EN 352-5 Safety ...

Masterflex-pumper sørger for presis repeterbar og fleksibel farmasøytisk produksjon

Masterflex-pumper sørger for presis repeterbar og fleksibel farmasøytisk produksjon Gregg E. Johnson Sr. Global Product Manager Masterflex Bioprocessing USA. Besides requiring precise liquid metering dosing and transfer virtually all pharmaceutica...

Guide for valg av strømningsmåler: Typer for applikasjon

Strømningsmålere: Hvilken type vil fungere best for din applikasjon? What Flowmeter Will Work Best for Your Application? From single-use to magnetic to variable-area to Coriolis the options in flowmeters are plentiful. Yet there are distinct diffe...

industrial overview brochure

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