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Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: EverBrite™ mounting media are anti-fade mountants for preserving fluorescence during microscopy. EverBrite™ mounting media prevent rapid photobleaching of fluorescein, rhodamine, and cyanine based dyes and are optimally formulated for use with Biotum’s CF™ dye conjugates. Unlike Vectashield® EverBrite™ mounting media is compatible with Cy® dyes such as Cy®2, Cy®3 and Cy®5. EverBrite™ mounting medium is a wet-set medium while EverBrite™ hardset mounting medium cures overnight to form a hard permanent seal with the coverslip, eliminating the need to seal coverslip edges with nail polish or other sealants. Both formulations are available with DAPI for blue fluorescent nuclear counterstaining without an additional staining step.


Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: Stains specifically designed for DNA in polyacrylamide gels.

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Artikkenummer: (21003-1L)
Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: One-Step Blue® is a ready-to-use protein gel staining solution. It produces fast (5-60 min) protein staining in a single step without fixation or washing.
UOM: 1 * 1 L

HMS Sertifikater Environmentally Preferable

Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: A wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) lectin labelled with Biotium’s CF® Dyes or HRP. It is a carbohydrate-binding lectin that has high affinity for sialic acid and N-acetylglucosamine moieties of glycoproteins. As a result, WGA conjugates will label yeast bud scars and the cell membrane of gram-positive bacteria and mammalian cells.

Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: EvaGreen® Dye and high-performance dye-based qPCR master mixes containing EvaGreen® qPCR dye, Cheetah™ HotStart Taq Polymerase, and Forget-Me-Not™ tracking dye. Available with 2-colour tracking or pre-mixed with low or high ROX.
Artikkenummer: (22003.)
Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: PE, disposable, sterile. Mini cell scrapers for harvesting cells or cell lysates from microwell plates.
UOM: 1 * 200 Items

Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: AccuGreen™ kit is specific for dsDNA and can quantify DNA samples in the range of 0,1 to 10 ng/μl.
Artikkenummer: (40013.)
Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: PMA (propidium monoazide) is a high-affinity photoreactive DNA binding dye invented by scientists at Biotium for viability PCR of bacteria and other organisms. The dye is weakly fluorescent by itself but becomes more fluorescent after binding to nucleic acids.
UOM: 1 * 1 mg

HMS Sertifikater

Artikkenummer: (29051.)
Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: EvaEZ™ Fluorometric Polymerase Activity Assay Kit provides an easy and accurate way to determine the activity of a nucleic acid polymerase without using radioisotopes.
UOM: 1 * 2 mL

HMS Sertifikater

Artikkenummer: (40017.)
Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: Propidium iodide (PI) is a membrane-impermeant nucleic acid intercalator. The dye is commonly used to selectively stain dead cells in a cell population and also used as a counterstain in multicolor fluorescent imaging.
UOM: 1 * 10 mL


Artikkenummer: (22005.)
Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: The Super HT PAP pen draws a water repellent circle around slide mounted tissue and prevents the waste of valuable reagents by keeping the liquid pooled in a single droplet. The regular sized super HT PAP pen can be used in about 800 applications, while the mini sized super HT PAP Pen will last about 400 applications.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikkenummer: (40069.)
Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: PMAxx™ dye is a DNA modifier used for viability PCR (v-PCR). V-PCR is a powerful PCR-based, culture-independent, method for rapid and sensitive quantification of microbial viability.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

HMS Sertifikater

Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: Thiazole green, which is structurally identical to SYBR® green I nucleic acid gel stain, is one of the most sensitive stains available for detecting double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in agarose, polyacrylamide gels and qPCR.
Artikkenummer: (41011.)
Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: 6X DNA loading buffer that includes ultra-sensitive, non-toxic GelRed® dye.
UOM: 1 * 1 mL

Environmentally Preferable

Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: A qPCR master mix containing Cheetah™ Taq hotstart DNA polymerase, suitable for probe-based real-time PCR applications.


Artikkenummer: (90082.)
Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: Anhydrous DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide; methyl sulfoxide) is recommended for preparing stock solutions.
UOM: 1 * 10 mL

HMS Sertifikater

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