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Artikkenummer: (L0018-100)
Produsent: Biowest
Beskrivelse: Penicillin-Streptomycin acts against gram-negative, gram-positive bacteria and mycoplasma.
UOM: 1 * 100 mL

HMS Sertifikater

Produsent: Biowest
Beskrivelse: Antibiotic-antimycotic used in tissue culture to prevent growth of bacteria (gram positive and gram negative), yeast and fungi. Penicillin acts by inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis.

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Produsent: Biowest
Beskrivelse: Penicillin-Streptomycin acts against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.
Artikkenummer: (L0014-100)
Produsent: Biowest
Beskrivelse: Glutamine penicillin streptamycin acts against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.
UOM: 1 * 100 mL


Artikkenummer: (392-0406)
Produsent: VWR Chemicals
Beskrivelse: VWR® penicillin-streptomycin solution (100X) is a large spectrum antibiotic designed to control and destroy gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.
UOM: 1 * 100 mL

HMS Sertifikater

Artikkenummer: (MDTC30-009-CI)
Produsent: Corning
Beskrivelse: Penicillin-Streptomycin-L-glutamine combines two antibiotics with a nutrient which is essential for cell growth, L-glutamine
UOM: 1 * 6 Items


Artikkenummer: (SV30010)
Produsent: HyClone products (Cytiva)
Beskrivelse: HyClone™ Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution (100X) is a broad spectrum antibiotic designed to control and destroy destructive microorganisms, such as gram negative and gram positive bacteria.
UOM: 1 * 100 mL


Artikkenummer: (MDTC30-004-CI)
Produsent: Corning
Beskrivelse: This is a combination of penicillin, streptomycin and Amphotericin formulated to contain 10000 units/ml penicillin G, 10 mg/ml streptomycin sulphate and 25 µg/ml amphotericin B.
UOM: 1 * 6 Items


Artikkenummer: (30-002-CI)
Produsent: Corning
Beskrivelse: This product is a mix of the antibiotics Penicillin (10,000 IU/mL) and Streptomycin (10,000 μg/ml) in a 100-fold working concentration. Penicillin (Penicillin G) works by inhibiting peptidoglycan synthesis, while Streptomycin inhibits protein synthesis. Penicillin-Streptomycin is effective against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.
UOM: 1 * 6 Items


Artikkenummer: (ICNA091670049)
Produsent: MP Biomedicals
Beskrivelse: Double antibiotic solution containing 5,000 units/mL of penicillin and 5,000 µg/mL of streptomycin.
UOM: 1 * 100 mL


Artikkenummer: (30-001-CI)
Produsent: Corning
Beskrivelse: This product is a mix of the antibiotics Penicillin (5,000 IU) and Streptomycin (5,000 μg/ mL) in a 50-fold working concentration. Penicillin (Penicillin G) works by inhibiting peptidoglycan synthesis, while Streptomycin inhibits protein synthesis. Penicillin-Streptomycin is effective against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. This antibiotic is recommended for use in cell culture media at 20 ml/L.
UOM: 1 * 6 Items


Artikkenummer: (091670454.)
Produsent: MP Biomedicals
Beskrivelse: Double antibiotic solution containing 20,000 units/mL of penicillin and 20,000 µg/mL of streptomycin.
UOM: 1 * 500 mL

Artikkenummer: (HYCLSV30082.01)
Produsent: HyClone products (Cytiva)
Beskrivelse: HyClone™ Penicillin-Streptomycin-Glutamine solution effective against gram negative and gram positive microorganisms.
UOM: 1 * 100 mL

Artikkenummer: (HYCLSV30079.01)
Produsent: HyClone products (Cytiva)
Beskrivelse: Antibiotic-Antimycotic (Pen/Strep/Fungiezone) Solution is used to control or destroy destructive microorganisms, such as gram negative, gram positive bacteria, fungi and yeast.
UOM: 1 * 100 mL


Artikkenummer: (A8906.0050)
Produsent: PanReac AppliChem
Beskrivelse: CellCulture Guard is a 100X concentrated solution containing a combination of novel antibiotics to protect cell cultures from contamination by microorganisms. The antibiotics in CellCultureGuard replace conventional antibiotics such as penicillin, streptomycin, nystatin and amphotericin B.
UOM: 1 * 50 mL

Artikkenummer: (85886-10ML)
Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: Organic Standard, Streptomycin solution
UOM: 1 * 10 mL

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