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Artikkenummer: (BOSSBS-11966R-A647)
Produsent: Bioss
Beskrivelse: The Testican family, also designated the BM-40/SPARC/osteonectin family, is composed of highly conserved, extracellular, calcium-binding, sulfate proteoglycans. Expression of Testicans is detected in a variety of tissues, but is most abundant in brain. Family members include Testican-1, Testican-2, Testican-3 and an amino-terminal splice variant of Testican-3, designated N-Tes. Most Testicans inhibit MT-MMPs, thereby inhibiting the activity of pro-MMP-2. Testican-2 is expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), with widespread expression in the olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum and medulla, and is also found in lung and testis. Testican-2 is unique in that it actually abolishes the inhibition of MT-MMPs by other testican family members and specifically inactivates N-Tes by binding to its COOH-terminal extracellular calcium-binding domain. Testican-2 halts neurite growth from cerebellar neurons and may be involved in regu-lating the development of the CNS.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Artikkenummer: (BOSSBS-11988R-CY7)
Produsent: Bioss
Beskrivelse: Brain-specific neurabin I (neural tissue-specific F-actin binding protein I) is highly concentrated in the synapse of developed neurons; it localizes in the growth cone lamellipodia during neuronal development (1). Suppression of endogenous neurabin in rat hippocampal neurons inhibits neurite formation (1). Neurabin I recruits active PP1 via a PP1-docking sequence; mutation of the PP1-binding motif halts filopodia and restores stress fibers in neurabin I-expressing cells (2,3). Neurabin II (Spinophilin) is ubiquitously expressed but is abundantly expressed in brain (4). Neurabin II localizes to neuronal dentritic spines, which are the specialized protrusions from dendritic shafts that receive most of the excitatory input in the CNS (5). Neurabin II may regulate dendritic spine properties as neurabin II(-) mice have increased spine density during development in vitro and exhibit altered filopodial formation in cultured cells (5). Neurabin may also play a role in glutamatergic transmission as Neurabin II(-) mice exhibit reduced long-term depression and resistance to kainate-induced seizures and neronal apoptosis (5). Neurabin II complexes with the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) in vitro thus modulating the activity of PP1 (4).
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

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Artikkenummer: (ENZOBMLGR3000005)
Beskrivelse: An intercalating transcription inhibitor and antineoplastic antibiotic. Inhibits transcription by binding to DNA at dG residues. Induces apoptosis in many cell lines, but suppresses in PC12 cells induced by topoisomrease II inhibitor etopside. Used at 5-10 µg/mL in cell culture for halting transcription. The product is not sterile.
UOM: 1 * 5 mg

New Product

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Halt-blanding for hemming av protease og fosfatase er en praktisk enkeltløsning med full prøvebeskyttelse. Denne bredspektrede inhibitorblandingen er spesielt optimalisert for å beskytte proteiner mot degradering under ekstraksjon og rensing. Blandingen inneholder inhibitorer mot de største gruppene av proteaser og fosfataser, mål-aminopeptidaser, cystein og serinproteaser og serin/treonin og proteintyrosinfosfataser.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Halt Protease Inhibitor Cocktail gir samme beskyttelse som en proteasehemmer for bredt spektrum, i ett enkelt, ferdig til bruk flytende format. Halt beskytter mot proteindegradering fra serin-, cystein- og aspartatsyreproteaser og aminopeptidaser. Metalloproteaser hemmes ved valgfri tilsetning av 0,5 M EDTA. Stamløsningen 100X Halt gjør det enkelt å dispensere påkrevet mengde (10 µl per 1 ml) proteasehemmer i buffere eller lysisreagenser før ekstraksjon av proteiner fra dyrkede celler, plantevev, gjær eller bakterier. Halt Protease Inhibitor Cocktail er kompatibel med Thermo Scientific Pierce-proteinekstraksjonsreagenser. Halt EDTA-fri formulering er ideell for preparering av prøver som skal analyseres med 2-D gel-elektroforese, IMAC (immobilised metal chelate affinity chromatography) og andre viderebearbeidinger som forstyrres av chelaterende stoffer.

Artikkenummer: (BOSSBS-13529R)
Produsent: Bioss
Beskrivelse: G protein-coupled receptor 3 (GPR3), also designated ACCA orphan receptor, is a 330 amino acid member of the G protein-coupled receptor 1 family. The function of GPR3 is mediated by G proteins which activate adenylate cyclase. GPR3 is a mutli-pass membrane protein that is located on the cellular membrane of cells and is detected at low levels in the eye, kidney, lung, ovary and testis. GPR3 is most highly expressed in the central nervous system, where it stimulates the production of cAMP, leading to neurite outgrowth and myelin inhibition. In oocytes, this control over cAMP production can halt meiosis and prevent progesterone-induced meiotic maturation. Mice deficient for GPR3 are able to reproduce but have no control over the oocyte maturation process, which results in nondeveloping early embryos and fragmented oocytes as the mice age.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Produsent: Avantor Fluid Handling
Beskrivelse: Automatic retention holds tubing securely in place with no manual adjustment—just load the tubing and start the pump.

ISO9001 2 year warranty

Artikkenummer: (BOSSBS-11988R-CY3)
Produsent: Bioss
Beskrivelse: Brain-specific neurabin I (neural tissue-specific F-actin binding protein I) is highly concentrated in the synapse of developed neurons; it localizes in the growth cone lamellipodia during neuronal development (1). Suppression of endogenous neurabin in rat hippocampal neurons inhibits neurite formation (1). Neurabin I recruits active PP1 via a PP1-docking sequence; mutation of the PP1-binding motif halts filopodia and restores stress fibers in neurabin I-expressing cells (2,3). Neurabin II (Spinophilin) is ubiquitously expressed but is abundantly expressed in brain (4). Neurabin II localizes to neuronal dentritic spines, which are the specialized protrusions from dendritic shafts that receive most of the excitatory input in the CNS (5). Neurabin II may regulate dendritic spine properties as neurabin II(-) mice have increased spine density during development in vitro and exhibit altered filopodial formation in cultured cells (5). Neurabin may also play a role in glutamatergic transmission as Neurabin II(-) mice exhibit reduced long-term depression and resistance to kainate-induced seizures and neronal apoptosis (5). Neurabin II complexes with the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) in vitro thus modulating the activity of PP1 (4).
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Artikkenummer: (BOSSBS-11988R-A488)
Produsent: Bioss
Beskrivelse: Brain-specific neurabin I (neural tissue-specific F-actin binding protein I) is highly concentrated in the synapse of developed neurons; it localizes in the growth cone lamellipodia during neuronal development (1). Suppression of endogenous neurabin in rat hippocampal neurons inhibits neurite formation (1). Neurabin I recruits active PP1 via a PP1-docking sequence; mutation of the PP1-binding motif halts filopodia and restores stress fibers in neurabin I-expressing cells (2,3). Neurabin II (Spinophilin) is ubiquitously expressed but is abundantly expressed in brain (4). Neurabin II localizes to neuronal dentritic spines, which are the specialized protrusions from dendritic shafts that receive most of the excitatory input in the CNS (5). Neurabin II may regulate dendritic spine properties as neurabin II(-) mice have increased spine density during development in vitro and exhibit altered filopodial formation in cultured cells (5). Neurabin may also play a role in glutamatergic transmission as Neurabin II(-) mice exhibit reduced long-term depression and resistance to kainate-induced seizures and neronal apoptosis (5). Neurabin II complexes with the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) in vitro thus modulating the activity of PP1 (4).
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Artikkenummer: (118-0533)
Produsent: Brady
Beskrivelse: This non conductive nylon hasp can accommodate up to six locks, withstands up to 450 kg, yet only weighs 30 g.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikkenummer: (BOSSBS-11966R-A488)
Produsent: Bioss
Beskrivelse: The Testican family, also designated the BM-40/SPARC/osteonectin family, is composed of highly conserved, extracellular, calcium-binding, sulfate proteoglycans. Expression of Testicans is detected in a variety of tissues, but is most abundant in brain. Family members include Testican-1, Testican-2, Testican-3 and an amino-terminal splice variant of Testican-3, designated N-Tes. Most Testicans inhibit MT-MMPs, thereby inhibiting the activity of pro-MMP-2. Testican-2 is expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), with widespread expression in the olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum and medulla, and is also found in lung and testis. Testican-2 is unique in that it actually abolishes the inhibition of MT-MMPs by other testican family members and specifically inactivates N-Tes by binding to its COOH-terminal extracellular calcium-binding domain. Testican-2 halts neurite growth from cerebellar neurons and may be involved in regu-lating the development of the CNS.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Artikkenummer: (BOSSBS-11966R-CY3)
Produsent: Bioss
Beskrivelse: The Testican family, also designated the BM-40/SPARC/osteonectin family, is composed of highly conserved, extracellular, calcium-binding, sulfate proteoglycans. Expression of Testicans is detected in a variety of tissues, but is most abundant in brain. Family members include Testican-1, Testican-2, Testican-3 and an amino-terminal splice variant of Testican-3, designated N-Tes. Most Testicans inhibit MT-MMPs, thereby inhibiting the activity of pro-MMP-2. Testican-2 is expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), with widespread expression in the olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum and medulla, and is also found in lung and testis. Testican-2 is unique in that it actually abolishes the inhibition of MT-MMPs by other testican family members and specifically inactivates N-Tes by binding to its COOH-terminal extracellular calcium-binding domain. Testican-2 halts neurite growth from cerebellar neurons and may be involved in regu-lating the development of the CNS.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Artikkenummer: (BOSSBS-11966R-HRP)
Produsent: Bioss
Beskrivelse: The Testican family, also designated the BM-40/SPARC/osteonectin family, is composed of highly conserved, extracellular, calcium-binding, sulfate proteoglycans. Expression of Testicans is detected in a variety of tissues, but is most abundant in brain. Family members include Testican-1, Testican-2, Testican-3 and an amino-terminal splice variant of Testican-3, designated N-Tes. Most Testicans inhibit MT-MMPs, thereby inhibiting the activity of pro-MMP-2. Testican-2 is expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), with widespread expression in the olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum and medulla, and is also found in lung and testis. Testican-2 is unique in that it actually abolishes the inhibition of MT-MMPs by other testican family members and specifically inactivates N-Tes by binding to its COOH-terminal extracellular calcium-binding domain. Testican-2 halts neurite growth from cerebellar neurons and may be involved in regu-lating the development of the CNS.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Artikkenummer: (BOSSBS-11966R-CY7)
Produsent: Bioss
Beskrivelse: The Testican family, also designated the BM-40/SPARC/osteonectin family, is composed of highly conserved, extracellular, calcium-binding, sulfate proteoglycans. Expression of Testicans is detected in a variety of tissues, but is most abundant in brain. Family members include Testican-1, Testican-2, Testican-3 and an amino-terminal splice variant of Testican-3, designated N-Tes. Most Testicans inhibit MT-MMPs, thereby inhibiting the activity of pro-MMP-2. Testican-2 is expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), with widespread expression in the olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum and medulla, and is also found in lung and testis. Testican-2 is unique in that it actually abolishes the inhibition of MT-MMPs by other testican family members and specifically inactivates N-Tes by binding to its COOH-terminal extracellular calcium-binding domain. Testican-2 halts neurite growth from cerebellar neurons and may be involved in regu-lating the development of the CNS.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Artikkenummer: (BOSSBS-11966R-FITC)
Produsent: Bioss
Beskrivelse: The Testican family, also designated the BM-40/SPARC/osteonectin family, is composed of highly conserved, extracellular, calcium-binding, sulfate proteoglycans. Expression of Testicans is detected in a variety of tissues, but is most abundant in brain. Family members include Testican-1, Testican-2, Testican-3 and an amino-terminal splice variant of Testican-3, designated N-Tes. Most Testicans inhibit MT-MMPs, thereby inhibiting the activity of pro-MMP-2. Testican-2 is expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), with widespread expression in the olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum and medulla, and is also found in lung and testis. Testican-2 is unique in that it actually abolishes the inhibition of MT-MMPs by other testican family members and specifically inactivates N-Tes by binding to its COOH-terminal extracellular calcium-binding domain. Testican-2 halts neurite growth from cerebellar neurons and may be involved in regu-lating the development of the CNS.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Artikkenummer: (BOSSBS-11966R-A350)
Produsent: Bioss
Beskrivelse: The Testican family, also designated the BM-40/SPARC/osteonectin family, is composed of highly conserved, extracellular, calcium-binding, sulfate proteoglycans. Expression of Testicans is detected in a variety of tissues, but is most abundant in brain. Family members include Testican-1, Testican-2, Testican-3 and an amino-terminal splice variant of Testican-3, designated N-Tes. Most Testicans inhibit MT-MMPs, thereby inhibiting the activity of pro-MMP-2. Testican-2 is expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), with widespread expression in the olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum and medulla, and is also found in lung and testis. Testican-2 is unique in that it actually abolishes the inhibition of MT-MMPs by other testican family members and specifically inactivates N-Tes by binding to its COOH-terminal extracellular calcium-binding domain. Testican-2 halts neurite growth from cerebellar neurons and may be involved in regu-lating the development of the CNS.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

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Lager for dette punktet er begrenset, men kan være tilgjengelig i en lagerbygning i nærheten av deg. Vennligst sørg for at du er logget inn på nettstedet, slik at tilgjengelige lager kan vises. Hvis call er fortsatt vises og du trenger hjelp, kan du ringe oss på 1-800-932 - 5000.
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OBS! Etanol er underlagt bestemmelse om særavgift, jfr LOV-1993-05-19-11-§1. VWR selger kun etanol til kunder som kan fremlegge avgiftsfritak for udenaturert etanol, jfr. § 3-3-7 ( forskrifter om særavgifter).
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