Du søkte etter: Celledyrkningsplater

Regardless of the biological cell type, cell culture treated plates create required conditions and environments ideal for optimum growth. Optically clear for maximum visual assaying capability, the dishes are available in round, flat, or v shaped bottom styles. Different treatment options support specific surface modifications for cell attachment or suspension. Lids securely protect samples placed in the multiple well plates during screening, experiments, and storage. Tissue Culture-Treated is used with other serum-supplemented media to culture anchorage-dependent mammalian cells. Using any size cell culture plate yields consistent and reproducible results.

Regardless of the biological cell type, cell culture treated plates create required conditions and environments ideal for optimum growth. Optically clear for maximum visual assaying capability, the dishes are available in round, flat, or v shaped bottom styles. Different treatment options support specific surface modifications for cell attachment or suspension. Lids securely protect samples placed in the multiple well plates during screening, experiments, and storage. Tissue Culture-Treated is used with other serum-supplemented media to culture anchorage-dependent mammalian cells. Using any size cell culture plate yields consistent and reproducible results.

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Produsent: Corning
Beskrivelse: PS belagt med kollagen type I fra rottehale. Kollagen er en viktig del av strukturen som holder celler og vev sammen, og er en nyttig matrise for stimulering av celledyrking. In vitro -bruk av kollagen kan innvirke på adhesjonen, morfologien, veksten, migreringen og differensieringen av mange forskjellige celletyper. Blant bruksområdene er fremming av celleadhesjon og -spredning, fremskynding av veksten til cellepopulasjoner, serumfri dyrking eller dyrking med lavt serum, studier av virkningene av kollagen type I på cellenes atferd, økning av overlevelsesgraden til primære cellelinjer i kultur samt celleadhesjonsanalyser.
Produsent: Corning
Beskrivelse: Corning PureCoat Amine (positively charged) and Carboxyl (negatively charged) surfaces provide improved cell attachment, faster cell proliferation, and enhanced recovery post-thaw over standard TC surfaces. These surfaces function with a broad range of primary, transfected, transformed, and fastidious cell types, and have demonstrated utility in serum-reduced or serum-free conditions.

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Artikkenummer: (734-1078)
Produsent: Corning
Beskrivelse: HTS insert plates are arrays of individual cell culture inserts connected by a rigid, robotics-friendly holder. This single-unit design makes insert plates ideal for running automated, high throughput drug transport (Caco-2 cells) cell toxicity studies or cell migration and invasion studies.
UOM: 1 * 5 Items

Environmentally Preferable

Produsent: Greiner Bio-One
Beskrivelse: Microplates with a modified culture surface to optimise cell characteristics and functions. The improved adherence and increased growth rate improve and accelerate cell proliferation. Additionally, the Advanced TC™ surface facilitates uniform and consistent cell adherence, increases throughput and reduces cell loss, for example during automated washing stages. Free of detectable DNase, RNase and human DNA.

Environmentally Preferable

Produsent: Corning
Beskrivelse: PS, belagt med muselaminin. Laminin, som er en viktig byggestein i basalmembraner, har mange egenskaper som fremkommer ved binding til ulike bestanddeler i basalmembranen (for eksempel collagen type IV) og til celleoverflatereseptorer. Laminin-belagte celledyrkingsplater har mange bruksområder, blant annet fremming av celleadhesjon, proliferasjon og differensiering av mange forskjellige celletyper, særlig nevroner, epitelceller, myocytter og myoblaster.
Produsent: Corning
Beskrivelse: Poly-D-Lysine (PDL) and Poly-L-Lysine (PLL) are synthetic compounds that enhance cell adhesion and protein absorption by altering surface charges on the culture substrate. In addition to promoting cell adhesion, poly-lysine surface treatments support neurite outgrowth and improve the survival of many central nervous system (CNS) primary cells in culture. As PDL and PLL are synthetic molecules, they do not stimulate biological activity in the cells cultured on them, and they do not introduce impurities carried by natural polymers.
Produsent: Greiner Bio-One
Beskrivelse: PS, cell culture-treated, sterile. Cell culture treated plates are available with round (U), conical (V) or flat (F) bottom wells. All plates are certified free of RNase, DNase and human DNA, are non-pyrogenic and non-cytotoxic.

Environmentally Preferable

Produsent: Corning
Beskrivelse: Poly-D-Lysine (PDL) and Poly-L-Lysine (PLL) are synthetic compounds that enhance cell adhesion and protein absorption by altering surface charges on the culture substrate. In addition to promoting cell adhesion, poly-lysine surface treatments support neurite outgrowth and improve the survival of many central nervous system (CNS) primary cells in culture. As PDL and PLL are synthetic molecules, they do not stimulate biological activity in the cells cultured on them, and they do not introduce impurities carried by natural polymers.
Produsent: Greiner Bio-One
Beskrivelse: These sterile, PS multiwell cell culture plates have a cell-repellent surface to effectively inhibit cell attachment. Achieved through a chemical polymer modification, the surface does not degrade or leach under common cell culture conditions, rendering an ideal substrate for native cell culture experiments.

Environmentally Preferable

Produsent: Corning
Beskrivelse: Human Fibronectin (HFN) is a widely distributed glycoprotein that is used as a substrate to promote attachment of cells through its central-binding domain RGD sequence. HFN is a product of most mesenchymal and epithelial cells and is present in both the ECM and plasma. The principal function of HFN appears to be in cellular migration during wound healing and development, regulation of cell growth and differentiation, and haemostasis/thrombosis.
Produsent: Corning
Beskrivelse: Poly-D-Lysine (PDL) and Poly-L-Lysine (PLL) are synthetic compounds that enhance cell adhesion and protein absorption by altering surface charges on the culture substrate. In addition to promoting cell adhesion, poly-lysine surface treatments support neurite outgrowth and improve the survival of many central nervous system (CNS) primary cells in culture. As PDL and PLL are synthetic molecules, they do not stimulate biological activity in the cells cultured on them, and they do not introduce impurities carried by natural polymers.
Produsent: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: VWR® 3D scaffold cell culture plates, made of polystyrene (GPPS) with polystyrene polymer scaffold, are able to simulate the three-dimensional structure of cells in animals and the human body to maximum effect, providing an ideal environment for cell interaction, maximising culture area, and improving yield.

Environmentally Preferable

Produsent: Greiner Bio-One
Beskrivelse: PS, coated with poly-lysine. Poly-D-Lysine (PDL) and Poly-L-Lysine (PLL) are synthetic molecules that are used to improve the adhesion of different cell types to polystyrene surfaces. The cultivation efficiency of individual cell lines can be improved, especially when serum-free or serum-reduced medium is used, or when experiments such as transfections are performed. As the PDL is synthetic it is free of the impurities carried by other proteins.

Environmentally Preferable

Produsent: Greiner Bio-One
Beskrivelse: PS, cell culture-treated, sterile. All plates are certified free of RNase, DNase and human DNA, are non-pyrogenic and non-cytotoxic.

Environmentally Preferable

Produsent: Greiner Bio-One
Beskrivelse: Microplates with a modified culture surface to optimise cell characteristics and functions. The improved adherence and increased growth rate improve and accelerate cell proliferation. Additionally, the Advanced TC™ surface facilitates uniform and consistent cell adherence, increases throughput and reduces cell loss, for example during automated washing stages. Free of detectable DNase, RNase and human DNA.

Environmentally Preferable

Produsent: Corning
Beskrivelse: Corning BioCoat Gelatin cultureware provides an attachment and growth promoting substrate for the culture of a variety of cell types. Gelatin is commonly used in the culture of vascular endothelial cells, muscle, embryonic stem (ES) cells, and F9 teratocarcinoma cells. It is also suitable for promoting adhesion of transfected cell types. Gelatin is a heterogeneous mixture of water-soluble proteins derived through the hydrolysis of Collagen.
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