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Ion-selective electrodes are used in analytical chemistry and biochemical research where accurate measurements of ionic concentration in aqueous solutions are required, taking the guesswork out of water quality testing measurements. Certain models are specially calibrated for detecting and measuring various chemical concentrations in wastewater, drinking water, and general water quality applications. Various different ion-selective membranes are used in ISEs, with most models featuring easy replacement filling solutions and some boasting membrane technology that doesn’t need replacing.

Ion-selective electrodes are used in analytical chemistry and biochemical research where accurate measurements of ionic concentration in aqueous solutions are required, taking the guesswork out of water quality testing measurements. Certain models are specially calibrated for detecting and measuring various chemical concentrations in wastewater, drinking water, and general water quality applications. Various different ion-selective membranes are used in ISEs, with most models featuring easy replacement filling solutions and some boasting membrane technology that doesn’t need replacing.

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Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, NH 500/2, gas-sensitive electrode for ammonium (NH<sub>4</sub>+), Parameter (ISE): Ammonium, 0,02 - 900 mg/l (10<sup>-6</sup>...5 × 10<sup>-2</sup> mol/l), pH: 4 - 12, S7
Artikkenummer: 662-0381
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: WTW

Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, F 800, Parameter (ISE): Fluoride, 0,02 - metn. mg/l, 10⁻⁶ - metn. mol/l, pH: 5 - 7, For: Tannkrem, sement
Artikkenummer: 662-7379
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: WTW

Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, Na 800/S7, Parameter (ISE): Natrium, S7-Plug head, without cable
Artikkenummer: WTWA106649
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: WTW

Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, CN 800, Parameter (ISE): Cyanide, 0,2 - 260 mg/l, 8×10<sup>-6</sup> - 10<sup>-2</sup> mol/l, pH: 0 - 14, For: Galvaniserte bad
Artikkenummer: 662-7375
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: WTW

Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, Cu 800, Parameter (ISE): Kopper, 0,0006 - 6400 mg/l, 10<sup>-8</sup> - 10<sup>-1</sup> mol/l, pH: 2 - 6, For: Galvaniserte bad
Artikkenummer: 662-7377
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: WTW

Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, Ca 800 (DIN), Parameter (ISE): Kalsium, 0,02 - 40000 mg/l, 5×10<sup>-7</sup> - 1 mol/l, pH: 2,5 - 11, For: Dairy products
Artikkenummer: 662-7369
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: WTW

Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, K 800 (DIN), Parameter (ISE): Kalium, 0,04 - 39000 mg/l, 10<sup>-6</sup> - 1 mol/l, pH: 2 - 12, For: Wine, fertilizer
Artikkenummer: 662-7383
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: WTW

Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, NO 800 (DIN), Parameter (ISE): Nitrat, 0,4 - 62000 mg/l, 7×10<sup>-6</sup> - 1 mol/l, pH: 2,5 - 11, For: Baby food, fertilizer, wastewater
Artikkenummer: 662-7386
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: WTW

Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, F 800 (BNC), Parameter (ISE): Fluoride, 0,02 - sat. mg/l, 10<sup>-6</sup> - sat. mol/l, pH: 5 - 7, For: Toothpaste, cement
Artikkenummer: 662-7378
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: WTW

Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, Cl 800 (DIN), Parameter (ISE): Klorid, 2 - 35000 mg/l, 5×10<sup>-5</sup> - 1 mol/l, pH: 2 - 12, For: Drikkevann, matvarer
Artikkenummer: 662-7373
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: WTW

Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, Ag/S 800 (DIN), Parameter (ISE): Sølv/sulfid, 0,003 - 32000 mg/l, 10<sup>-7</sup> - 1 mol/l, pH: 2 - 12, For: Galvaniserte bad
Artikkenummer: 662-7059
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: WTW

Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, Br 800 (DIN), Parameter (ISE): Bromid, 0,4 - 79000 mg/l, 5×10<sup>-6</sup> - 1 mol/l, pH: 1 - 12, For: Wine, plants
Artikkenummer: 662-7367
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: WTW

Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, Orion™, 9617BNWP, solid-state, Parameter (ISE): Klorid, 1×10<sup>-5</sup>M - 1M, pH: 2 - 12, 0...+100 °C, Diam×L: 12×110 mm, BNC vanntett
Artikkenummer: 662-1541
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: Thermo Orion

Beskrivelse: Electrode, ISE, half-cell, Orion™, Orion™ 9458BN, half-cell, Parameter (ISE): Tiocyanate, 5×10<sup>-6</sup> - 1,0 M (0,29 - 58100 ppm), pH: 2 - 10, 0...+50 °C, Diam×L: 12×110 mm, BNC, 1 m cable
Artikkenummer: ORIO9458BN
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: Thermo Orion

Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, Orion™, 9417BN, half-cell, Parameter (ISE): Klorid, 1,0 M - 5x10?5 M, pH: 2 - 12, 0...+100 °C, Diam×L: 12×110 mm, BNC
Artikkenummer: 662-1516
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: Thermo Orion

Beskrivelse: Elektrod, ISE, Orion™, 9417SC, half-cell, Parameter (ISE): Klorid, 1,0 M - 5x10?5 M, pH: 2 - 12, 0...+100 °C, Diam×L: 12×110 mm, Screw cap (no cable)
Artikkenummer: 662-0839
UOM: 1 * 1 Items
Produsent: Thermo Orion

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