Du søkte etter: Laminert flowbenk

Laminar flow cabinets create a particle-free working space to prevent sensitive materials becoming contaminated. They maintain a laminar stream of fluid with a satisfactory Reynolds number and maintaining lower viscosity of the fluid to prevent contamination within the workspace and to prevent contaminated fluid flows from outside that would occur with a turbulent flow. Categorized by the direction of the constantly projected airflow, horizontal or vertical enclosed bench configurations use pre-filters in addition to HEPA filters for aseptic air quality. Possible spills or aerosols generated are contained within the transparent safety glass and corrosive resistant frames to protect handlers. The laminar flow cabinets may include lamps to maintain sterilized conditions inside for contents.

Laminar flow cabinets create a particle-free working space to prevent sensitive materials becoming contaminated. They maintain a laminar stream of fluid with a satisfactory Reynolds number and maintaining lower viscosity of the fluid to prevent contamination within the workspace and to prevent contaminated fluid flows from outside that would occur with a turbulent flow. Categorized by the direction of the constantly projected airflow, horizontal or vertical enclosed bench configurations use pre-filters in addition to HEPA filters for aseptic air quality. Possible spills or aerosols generated are contained within the transparent safety glass and corrosive resistant frames to protect handlers. The laminar flow cabinets may include lamps to maintain sterilized conditions inside for contents.

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Produsent: LABCONCO
Beskrivelse: These PuriCare Open Access Transfer Station offer utmost efficiency for cage changing operations. Open access on two sides provides ample workspace for one or two operators to transfer animals from dirty cages to clean ones. This enclosure provides personnel, animal and environmental protection. HEPA-filtered vertical airflow provides Class 100 clean air in the work area to protect the animals from cross-contamination. At the same time, room air is drawn into grilles located on the work surface directly below the sash openings to ensure containment and protect the operator from allergens. All contaminated air inside the enclosure is filtered so that particulate-free air is exhausted back into the room, protecting the environment.

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Produsent: CleanAir by Baker
Beskrivelse: The CrossFlow series is a high quality crossflow cabinet range for handling non-hazardous materials that require a clean working environment. The ergonomically designed HEPA filtered horizontal laminar airflow (crossflow) creates an ISO Class 5 (14644-1) / GMP Class A (Annex 1) work area with low noise level and prevents ambient air from entering the work area, ensuring product protection.

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Produsent: LABCONCO
Beskrivelse: Clean benches provide product protection from environmental contaminants for applications requiring a particulate-free work area, including plant tissue culture, electronic part inspection, syringe filling, medical device assembly, media plate preparation, and PCR.

Produsent: LABCONCO
Beskrivelse: Purifier Vertical Clean Benches direct HEPA-filtered air downward over the work area to provide ISO Class 5 (formerly Class 100) conditions and protect your work from particulate contamination. Applications for clean benches include plant tissue culture, media plate preparation, electronics inspection, medical device assembly and pharmacy drug preparation.

Produsent: CleanAir by Baker
Beskrivelse: CleanAir by Baker DLF series is a high quality vertical laminar flow workbench range for handling non-hazardous materials that require a clean working environment. DLF PCR Series is designed to perform PCR. These cabinets ambient air entering the work area, ensures product protection.

Artikkenummer: (135-2904)
Produsent: EUROCLONE
Beskrivelse: Aura Mini™ Cabinets are compact down-flow cabinets, provide an ultimate cleanliness Class 100 work area where the highest safety for the products is achieved. The internal design, the air flow aerodynamics, the special H14 filter and the Filtrete® exhaust filter (or prefilters) guarantees the highest performances at the most stringent safety levels and operator comfort.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Produsent: Azbil Telstar Technologies
Beskrivelse: Aeolus V Serie is a high quality vertical laminar flow workbench range for handling non-hazardous materials that require a particle free environment. These cabinets offer the highest product protection. Aeolus V vertical laminar flow benches, have been specially designed to work in hospitals, pharmacies, IVF centers, food control, horticulture in vitro cultures and also in electronics, optics, micromechanics, plastic industries, etc

Produsent: Azbil Telstar Technologies
Beskrivelse: Aeolus H Serie is a high quality horizontal laminar flow workbench range for handling non-hazardous materials that require a particle free environment. These cabinets offer the highest product protection. Aeolus H horizontal laminar flow benches, have been specially designed to work in hospitals, pharmacies, IVF centres, food control, horticulture in vitro cultures, and also in electronics, optics, micromechanics, plastic Industries, etc. Horizontal laminar flow systems allow operation in sterile and particle free conditions thanks to the continuous flushing of the working area by means of a unidirectional horizontal ultra filtered air flow. The positive pressure inside the cabinet prevents inflow of ambient air from the surrounding environment into the work area.

Produsent: Thermo Scientific
Beskrivelse: Heraguard™ ECO Clean Bench cabinets are ideal for laboratory applications where sample protection is required. Due to DC motors, Heraguard™ ECO Clean Bench cabinets use less energy to operate so there is less heat emitted into the laboratory.


Produsent: EUROCLONE
Beskrivelse: AURA HZ is an horizontal laminar air flow cabinet Class 100, for product protection from external contamination and cross-contamination inside the work chamber. The MAC (Microprocesseur Automatic Control air volume monitoring) is a new innovative microprocessor control system. Offering state of the art safety features the microprocessor-based module provides automatic control of the pre set airflow volumes throughout the whole usable life of the installed filters. When a deviation from the set airflow is detected, be it from supply voltage increase-decrease or filter loading, the automatic control adjusts the airflows accordingly.

Artikkenummer: (TELR1923477)
Produsent: Azbil Telstar Technologies
Beskrivelse: Arbeidsbenk med lagdelt, vertikal luftstrøm er en ideell løsning for håndtering av ufarlige stoffer og ufarlige biologiske prøver der produktet må holdes sterilt. De sikrer et miljø av klasse 100 i henhold til de amerikanske forskriftene. Std. 209 og BS 5195 for prøver og produkt.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Produsent: LABCONCO
Beskrivelse: It offers a choice to protect materials that do not generate harmful aerosols or vapors. Its been designed with 99,99% efficient HEPA filter, the air from this minimizes cross contamination in the work area and provides a particulate free work environment. It has wide range of applications including plant tissue culture research, media preparation, electronic part inspection, syringe filling, medical device assembly and non hazardous parenteral drug formulation. These benches should never be used in conjunction with biohazardous material, toxins or radionuclides.

Artikkenummer: (LBCP5360630)
Produsent: LABCONCO
Beskrivelse: Nexus Horizontal Clean Benches are designed to protect non-hazardous applications, and meet the rigorous demands of life sciences, materials science applications, pharmaceutical R&D and compounding pharmacies. The Nexus also provides an ISO Class 4 clean airflow environment for protection of critical, non-hazardous samples.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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OBS! Etanol er underlagt bestemmelse om særavgift, jfr LOV-1993-05-19-11-§1. VWR selger kun etanol til kunder som kan fremlegge avgiftsfritak for udenaturert etanol, jfr. § 3-3-7 ( forskrifter om særavgifter).
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