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In preparation for real time polymerase chain reaction applications, small segments of DNA or RNA are isolated and placed in PCR plates. With common well matrixes and high or low profile designs that are compatible with thermal cyclers, the PCR plates facilitate rapid segment amplification when manual processing is not wanted. The PCR plate has seal integrity from –80 to –200°C, which is highly effective in heat sealing and reduces heat transfer. The skirt and deck are molded from a rigid adhesive film. This prevents the distortion and shrinkage that may occur when regular single-component virgin polypropylene PCR plates are exposed to the high temperatures of thermal cycling or heat sealing. Alphanumeric grid, colored manufacturing, and the labeling surface provided by skirted pcr plate styles ensure accurate sample identification at all times.

In preparation for real time polymerase chain reaction applications, small segments of DNA or RNA are isolated and placed in PCR plates. With common well matrixes and high or low profile designs that are compatible with thermal cyclers, the PCR plates facilitate rapid segment amplification when manual processing is not wanted. The PCR plate has seal integrity from –80 to –200°C, which is highly effective in heat sealing and reduces heat transfer. The skirt and deck are molded from a rigid adhesive film. This prevents the distortion and shrinkage that may occur when regular single-component virgin polypropylene PCR plates are exposed to the high temperatures of thermal cycling or heat sealing. Alphanumeric grid, colored manufacturing, and the labeling surface provided by skirted pcr plate styles ensure accurate sample identification at all times.

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Produsent: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: Constructed with ultra-thin and consistent wall thickness to allow precise thermal transfer for optimum results.

Produsent: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: Polycarbonate frame is rigid and flat to facilitate a firm grip by robotic arms and ensure reliable placement. Polypropylene wells provide optimal thermal transfer and higher reaction efficiency.

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Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Armadillo™ 384-well PCR plates combine the rigidity of a polycarbonate frame with thin walled polypropylene wells to provide superior thermal cycling performance under all conditions, without warping. All formats are available with clear or white wells, ensuring the highest level of sensitivity for all PCR and qPCR reactions.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Piko® PCR plates utilise ultra-thin wall (UTW) technology to dramatically reduce the thickness of the well walls, and are specifically designed for use in the Piko® thermal cycler and the PikoReal® Real Time PCR system. Piko® PCR plates have the footprint of a microscope slide. Four Piko® 24-well (96-well) plates can be snapped into the plate frame to create a standard 96-well (384-well) plate.

Produsent: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: VWR® 96-Well PCR Plates are compatible with most leading PCR and real-time PCR instruments.

Environmentally Preferable

Produsent: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: VWR® 96- and 384-well Real-Time PCR plates are compatible with most leading Real-Time PCR instruments including most BioRad, Applied Biosystems, Roche Lightcycler and Analytik Jena models.

Environmentally Preferable

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: PP. The low profile of the plate decreases ‘dead space' between the heated lid of the thermal cycler and the sample. This eliminates condensation on the side-wall of the tube, preventing reduction in PCR volume and increasing the efficiency of the reaction.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: PP. The PCR detection plate features a flat deck for improved handling and sealing.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: VersiPlates comprise strips of eight tubes linked to each other forming the familiar 12×8 or 96-well ANSI/SBS format. The small tear points between strips enable a single strip or as many as required for the individual experiment to be separated.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: PP. Designed for high throughput PCR, this 384-well plate is compatible with the majority of 384 block PCR and sequencing instruments. The full skirt and rigid plate deck minimise distortion during PCR making it suitable for use with robotic systems.

Artikkenummer: (732-4912)
Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Støpt av ultra low retention PP som motvirker at prøven fester seg til veggene. Det økte volumet gjør at applikasjoner som f.eks. enzymatiske prosesser kan utføres direkte i platen etter PCR-opparbeidingen.  Kompatibel med alle vanlige 384 blokkers termocyclers.
UOM: 1 * 100 Items

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: PP. Thermo Scientific SuperPlate™ er fire ganger så stiv som sammenlignbare produkter, og egner seg derfor spesielt godt for robothåndtering. Den fås i tre utgaver. Alle har ultrastiv SBS-ramme for at de skal være kompatible med automatiserte systemer, og brønnene har tynne vegger og rund bunn for å gi optimal og maksimal prøvegjenvinning.varmeoverføring.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Rigid PC frame, thin-walled PP wells. Ultra-rigid 96-well PCR plates with rounded V-bottom wells designed for robotic applications.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: The full-skirted design of these PP plates is robotic-friendly, allowing for automated processes.

Artikkenummer: (732-2590)
Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: VersiPlates comprise strips of eight tubes linked to each other forming the familiar 12×8 or 96-well ANSI/SBS format. The small tear points between strips enable a single strip or as many as required for the individual experiment to be separated.
UOM: 1 * 25 Items

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Egnet for alle termocyclere med blokkformat 0,2 ml og kapillærsekvenseringsmaskiner av typen ABI PRISM® 310, 3100 og 3700. Fås i hvit for luminescensbaserte prosedyrer.
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