Du søkte etter: Rotasjonsviskosimetere

Digitally measuring the torque required to rotate either an object in the fluid or the sample cup itself, rotational viscometers operate using a specific time. The completely immersed cylindrical measuring spindle provides accurate dynamic or shear viscosity calculations. Using the stronger motor driving force characteristic of rotational viscometers is especially useful when working with extremely thick fluids that will not flow through capillary formats. The rotational viscometer senses torque required to rotate a spindle at a constant speed while immersed in the small sample fluid. Dynamic viscosity is proportional to this measured torque. The standard RV is quite common in chemical and food industries for testing the viscosity of non-Newtonian fluids. Easily use the menu options appearing on the LCD for liquid quality control.

Digitally measuring the torque required to rotate either an object in the fluid or the sample cup itself, rotational viscometers operate using a specific time. The completely immersed cylindrical measuring spindle provides accurate dynamic or shear viscosity calculations. Using the stronger motor driving force characteristic of rotational viscometers is especially useful when working with extremely thick fluids that will not flow through capillary formats. The rotational viscometer senses torque required to rotate a spindle at a constant speed while immersed in the small sample fluid. Dynamic viscosity is proportional to this measured torque. The standard RV is quite common in chemical and food industries for testing the viscosity of non-Newtonian fluids. Easily use the menu options appearing on the LCD for liquid quality control.

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Produsent: IKA
Beskrivelse: The ROTAVISC series determines the viscosity of liquids in all areas of application from the laboratory to quality control.

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Artikkenummer: (IKAA10014015)
Produsent: IKA
Beskrivelse: The ROTATEMP me-vi package is the ideal solution for precise and reliable viscosity measurement of difficult-to-measure, highly viscous samples.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Artikkenummer: (IKAA10014004)
Produsent: IKA
Beskrivelse: The ROTATEMP lo-vi package is the ideal solution for precise and reliable viscosity measurement of difficult-to-measure, highly viscous samples.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Artikkenummer: (IKAA10014031)
Produsent: IKA
Beskrivelse: The viscosity of most liquids depends on the temperature. To obtain reliable measurement results, accurate temperature control is crucial. The CBC ROTAVISC SBS me-vi Package is the perfect solution for precise viscosity measurement of temperature-dependent samples in the laboratory.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Produsent: IKA
Beskrivelse: The ROTAVISC HELI series determines the viscosity of liquids in all areas of application ranging from the laboratory to quality control. The four devices measure in different viscosity ranges.

Artikkenummer: (IKAA20113825)
Produsent: IKA
Beskrivelse: The ROTATEMP high-temperate system is designed to be used with the IKA ROTAVISC viscometers.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Artikkenummer: (IKAA10014058)
Produsent: IKA
Beskrivelse: The viscosity of most liquids depends on the temperature. To obtain reliable measurement results, accurate temperature control is crucial. The CBC ROTAVISC me-vi Package is the perfect solution for precise viscosity measurement of temperature-dependent samples in the laboratory.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

New Product

Produsent: IKA
Beskrivelse: SBS (Steel Ball Bearing, Suspended) rotational viscometers extend a large part of the application spectrum of the IKA ROTAVISC device family.

Artikkenummer: (IKAA10014045)
Produsent: IKA
Beskrivelse: The viscosity of most liquids depends on the temperature. To obtain reliable measurement results, accurate temperature control is crucial. The CBC ROTAVISC lo-vi Package is the perfect solution for precise viscosity measurement of temperature-dependent samples in the laboratory.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

New Product

Artikkenummer: (IKAA10013993)
Produsent: IKA
Beskrivelse: The ROTATEMP SBS me-vi package is the ideal solution for precise and reliable viscosity measurement of difficult-to-measure, highly viscous samples.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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