Du søkte etter: Anaerobe+systemer

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Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: Anaerocult® system er et pålitelig og etablert system for dyrking av obligate og fakultative anaerober. Anaerocult®-systemet er basert på poser laget av svært absorberende og svært gasspermeabelt papir. Posene, av forskjellige størrelser, er fylt med en oksygenbindende reagensblanding som også produserer karbondioksid. Vann tilsettes for å starte reaksjonen, som består av oksidasjon av finfordelt jern og frigjøring av CO₂. Reaksjonen fortsetter uten katalysator. Inkubasjon er mulig i en anaerob krukke eller i poser.
Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: Lokk til anaerob krukke (reserve)

Robuste, høykvalitets FoodScoops i rustfritt stål

Svært stabil håndskje, spesielt godt egnet for matvareindustrien. Sømløs forbindelse av skje og hult håndtak, derfor uten sprekker og kanter.

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Glatt, høypolert overflate

Produsent: VWR Chemicals
Beskrivelse: This jar is designed for anaerobic, microaerophilic and or different concentrations of CO₂ cultures. It can be used with any sachet to generate special atmospheres and to contain up to 12 plates.

Sertifikater New Product

Beskrivelse: Where an AnaeroGen sachet is placed in a sealed jar, the atmospheric oxygen in the jar is rapidly absorbed with the simultaneous generation of carbon dioxide. This novel method differs from others commonly used in that the reaction proceeds with no evolution of hydrogen, and therefore, does not require a catalyst. Furthermore, water is not required to activate the reaction. When used as directed, the AnaeroGen sachet will reduce the oxygen level in the jar to below 1% within 30 minutes. The resulting carbon dioxide level will be between 9% and 13%.
CampyGen Compact for 1 or 2 Petri dishes, is a simple system for generating microaerobic conditions. The system consists of a plastic pouch and sealing clip and a paper gas generating sachet. The paper sachet contains ascorbic acid which reacts on contact with air to produce the microaerobic conditions for the growth of microaerophilic organisms.
Artikkenummer: (OXOIAB0035A)
Beskrivelse: Culture anaerobic and microaerophilic organisms by achieving the right atmospheric conditions using Oxoid™ AnaeroBox™ 3,5 L box with lid and seal.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

New Product

Beskrivelse: The jar is designed for use with AnaeroGen/CampyGen sachet and will hold up to 12 plates.

Artikkenummer: (306452-100G)
Beskrivelse: Reactive Black 5 (RB5) has been: used in an optimization study on the photocatalytic degradation of RB5 dye in synthetic greywater effluent (i.e. aqueous RB5 in distilled water), in order to understand the effects of different photoreactor parameters on the degradation kinetics. As a textile dye to investigate the anaerobic reduction in upflow stirred packed-bed reactors (USPBRs) with biological activated carbon (BAC) system. Used in the performance evaluation of dye removal forlarge molecule substance.
UOM: 1 * 100 g


Beskrivelse: RapID™ Systems are a complete line of cost-effective manual identification panels for a broad spectrum of microorganisms. RapID™ panels offer easy, one-step, simultaneous inoculation of dehydrated reactants in tray wells to identify anaerobes, coryneform Gram-positive bacilli, enterics, nonfermenters, streptococci, and yeast all within 4 hours. Systems are ideal for manual testing or as confirmation for automated test systems.

Produsent: WTW
Beskrivelse: OxiTop®-IDS (Intelligent Digital Sensors) is a modern measuring instrument for use in all kinds of respirometric studies. The versatile OxiTop®-IDS is suitable for both aerobic or anaerobic examinations. All heads can be used independently from any meter for normal BOD measurements between one and seven days.

Artikkenummer: (OXOIMB1131A)
Beskrivelse: The Microbact™ Gram-negative system is to be used for the identification of aerobic and facultatively anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria (Enterobacteriaceae and miscellaneous Gram- negative bacteria). Organism identification is based on pH change and substrate utilisations as established by published reference methodologies.
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Artikkenummer: (710-1964)
Produsent: BIOTOOL AG
Beskrivelse: The PetriSphere anaerobic gas system is suitable for the culturing of anaerobic, microaerophilic and capnophilic bacteria in common anaerobic jars. Atmospheric conditions can be developed inside the jar in less than one minute, with the flexibility to choose the level of oxygen depletion. Gas extraction can be controlled to reduce risk of cell lysis. The PetriSphere system consists of a microprocessor-based controller, a diaphragm vacuum pump and a gas reservoir connection, which enables the air to be replaced with nitrogen or carbon dioxide gas. By simply pressing the start button the process starts and runs fully automatically.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Produsent: BIOTOOL AG
Beskrivelse: Anaerobic jar, with rack and valve, complete with lid, CPC quick connector and rack for 11 petri dishes

Artikkenummer: (710-1698)
Beskrivelse: The Whitley jar gassing system provides perfect conditions for growing anaerobes in jars in just 2 minutes, and microaerophiles in 15 seconds.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Beskrivelse: Brukervennlige anaerobe kolber med kraftig konstruksjon i rustfritt stål.

Artikkenummer: (DOWIA09000)
Beskrivelse: The A25 is a truly compact workstation equipped with many unique features to ensure easy and efficient use and to guarantee that the very best anaerobic conditions are maintained.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikkenummer: (DOWIA07760)
Beskrivelse: The Whitley A55 has a chamber size twice the width of an A35, with a huge working and incubation area and airlocks at both ends.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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OBS! Etanol er underlagt bestemmelse om særavgift, jfr LOV-1993-05-19-11-§1. VWR selger kun etanol til kunder som kan fremlegge avgiftsfritak for udenaturert etanol, jfr. § 3-3-7 ( forskrifter om særavgifter).
NB Dette produkt er regulert i henhold til norsk lov.
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OBS! Etanol er underlagt bestemmelse om særavgift, jfr LOV-1993-05-19-11-§1. VWR selger kun etanol til kunder som kan fremlegge avgiftsfritak for udenaturert etanol, jfr. § 3-3-7 ( forskrifter om særavgifter).
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