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Standard ovens uniformly heat or dry samples using gravity convection or forced fan-blown air circulation. Even delicate powders and light samples will remain stationary during the continuous movement of the surrounding air. Featuring rapid heat-up times and insulation, the stainless steel ovens save on electrical costs. Multiple shelving options allow maximum sample flexibility. The latest technology with microprocessor controls and a timer, control the environment for sample testing. The capacity, temperature range and uniformity may vary among models.

Standard ovens uniformly heat or dry samples using gravity convection or forced fan-blown air circulation. Even delicate powders and light samples will remain stationary during the continuous movement of the surrounding air. Featuring rapid heat-up times and insulation, the stainless steel ovens save on electrical costs. Multiple shelving options allow maximum sample flexibility. The latest technology with microprocessor controls and a timer, control the environment for sample testing. The capacity, temperature range and uniformity may vary among models.

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Produsent: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: DRY-Line® drying ovens are designed for all standard drying and tempering tasks as well as sterilising glassware. They have a temperature range between 50 to 300 °C and are intended for use in biological, chemical, medical, pharmaceutical and physical laboratories.


Produsent: MEMMERT
Beskrivelse: The range includes forced convection models with a temperature range up to 300 °C. There is a choice of two different displays, SingleDISPLAY or TwinDISPLAY depending on the application.

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Produsent: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: VENTI-Line® drying ovens are designed for all standard drying and tempering tasks as well as sterilising glassware. They have a temperature range between 50 to 300 °C and are intended for use in biological, chemical, medical, pharmaceutical and physical laboratories.

Produsent: MEMMERT
Beskrivelse: The UF TS pass through ovens help to minimise contamination when transporting samples or components. They have an easy-to-clean interior, fast recovery times after opening the door as well as homogeneous temperature distribution, this oven is the perfect material lock between the grey room and the cleanroom in the electronics, semiconductor, medicine or pharmaceutical industries.

Produsent: MEMMERT
Beskrivelse: The range includes natural convection models with a temperature range up to +300 °C. There is a choice of two different displays, SingleDISPLAY or TwinDISPLAY depending on the application.

Produsent: MEMMERT
Beskrivelse: UNpa paraffin ovens provide precise and homogenous temperature control of paraffin embedding medium without any loss in quality. UNpa paraffin ovens are designed specifically for reliable sample preparation in the laboratory and have an intuitive and easy to use operating menu plus a high-quality, corrosion-resistant and easily cleanable stainless steel working chamber and housing.

Artikkenummer: (466-0488)
Produsent: Binder
Beskrivelse: Disse tørkeovnene for begrensede mengder løsemiddel har høy temperaturnøyaktighet og silikon- og støvfrie kamre i rustfritt stål. Enhetene brukes ofte til kvalitetssikring av maling og andre flytende dekkmidler. FDL-ovnene har en MP-kontroller med justerbar rampefunksjon og integrert ukeprogramtimer med sanntidsfunksjon.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Produsent: Binder
Beskrivelse: Universale tørkeovner med kamre i rustfritt stål. Ideelle til tørke- og steriliseringsoppgaver i farmasøytisk og kjemisk industri, bioteknologi, medisin og ved universiteter. Ovnene har én temperaturprogramrampe, justerbar temperaturbeskyttelse, klasse 2 (DIN 12880) med synlig alarm og justerbar lufting ved hjelp av en lufteskyver på forsiden og en utluftningskanal med 50 mm Ø på baksiden. GLP/GMP-samsvar ved hjelp av det valgfrie RS422-grensesnittet og APT-COM™ DataControlSystem-programvaren.

Produsent: Binder
Beskrivelse: With natural convection, Avantgarde.Line heating and drying chambers offer quality and process reliability. With a wide temperature range up to 300 °C, these drying ovens can be used in all applications. Short heat up times and large power reserves are ideal for applications in science, research and industry. APT.line™ pre-heating chamber technology gives homegeneous temperature distribution and excellent temperature uniformity and fluctuation. Units up to 115 litres can be stacked on top of each other to save space. These units have 60 mm insulation which lowers energy consumption and increases performance. All models have a stainless steel chamber with an ergonomic door opening system.

Produsent: Binder
Beskrivelse: With forced convection and enhanced timer functions, the Avantgarde.Line heating and drying chambers offer quality and process reliability. With a wide temperature range up to 300 °C, these drying ovens can be used in all applications. Short heat up times and large power reserves are ideal for applications in science, research and industry. The APT.line™ preheating chamber technology gives homegeneous temperature distribution and excellent temperature uniformity and fluctuation. Units up to 115 litres can be stacked on top of each other to save space. The units have 60 mm insulation which lowers energy consumption and increases performance. All models have a stainless steel chamber with an ergonomic door opening system.

Artikkenummer: (466-3249)
Produsent: Binder
Beskrivelse: Universelle tørkeovner med kammer i rustfritt stål som er ideelle for bruk i farmasøytisk og kjemisk industri, bioteknologi, medisin og universiteter. Ovner har én temperaturprogramrampe, en justerbar TWB klasse 2 sikkerhetsanordning med visuell alarm og justerbar ventilasjon ved hjelp av ventilasjonsglider og 50 mm Ø avtrekkskanal. Raske gjenopprettingstider etter åpning av døren eller luftskifte.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Produsent: Binder
Beskrivelse: The Binder FP series of material test chambers with mechanical convection and program functions provide reliably short drying times and particularly fast heating – even for chambers under full loads.

Artikkenummer: (466-0023)
Produsent: Binder
Beskrivelse: Flerfunksjons tørkeovner med kamre i rustfritt stål. Ideelle for farmasøytisk og kjemisk industri, bioteknologi, medisin og universiteter. Ovnene har én temperaturprogramrampe, justerbar temperaturbeskyttelse, klasse 2 (DIN 12880) med synlig alarm og justerbar lufting ved hjelp av en lufteskyver på forsiden og en utluftningskanal med 50 mm Ø på baksiden. Rask gjenoppretting av temperaturen etter åpning av døren eller luftutskiftning. GLP/GMP-samsvar ved hjelp av det valgfrie RS422-grensesnittet og APT-COM™ DataControlSystem-programvaren.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikkenummer: (466-3161)
Produsent: Binder
Beskrivelse: Robust, lite plasskrevende ovn/sterilisator med hydraulisk mekanisk termostat, samt temperaturinnstilling via termometer med analog inntastingsindikator.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Produsent: Binder
Beskrivelse: With forced convection, the Avantgarde.Line heating and drying chambers offer quality and process reliability. The wide temperature range of up to 300 °C, mean these drying ovens can be used in all applications. Short heat up times and large power reserves are ideal for applications in science, research and industry. The APT.line™ pre-heating chamber technology gives homogeneous temperature distribution and excellent temperature uniformity and fluctuation. Units up to 115 litres can be stacked on top of each other to save space. The units have 60 mm insulation which lowers energy consumption and increases performance. All models have a stainless steel chamber with an ergonomic door opening system.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Oppvarmings- og tørkeovner med kamre i rustfritt stål, som er utformet for rutinebruksområder. Enheter med naturlig konveksjon er ideelle for forsiktig tørking og oppvarming for å beskytte skjøre prøver. Enheter med tvungen konveksjon er egnet for raskere tørking og oppvarming og førsteklasses temperaturensartethet.

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