Du søkte etter: Animal+Biology+Learning+Activites

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Beskrivelse: High quality workmanship reproduces well the physical characteristics of each species.

Artikkenummer: (763-0200)
Beskrivelse: Adjustable for larger and smaller butterflies.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Robuste, høykvalitets FoodScoops i rustfritt stål

Svært stabil håndskje, spesielt godt egnet for matvareindustrien. Sømløs forbindelse av skje og hult håndtak, derfor uten sprekker og kanter.

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Glatt, høypolert overflate

Artikkenummer: (763-0297)
Beskrivelse: Made of plastic with inserts for insect preparation. 22×31 cm.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Beskrivelse: Plastic aquarium/terrarium, with carrying handle and feed hatch.

Artikkenummer: (763-0212)
Beskrivelse: 10 mm wide. Roll 50 m. Pack. 5 rolls.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikkenummer: (BE-409)
Produsent: G-Biosciences
Beskrivelse: In this lab activity, students learn to perform carefully controlled experiments to generate protein fragments using a proteolysis enzyme and then analyse the protein fragments by electrophoresis. By analysis of protein fragmentation patterns, i.e. protein fingerprints, students learn about protein sequence, structure, and their conservation. Students resolve a set of three functionally identical protein samples selected from throughout the animal kingdom; including human, bovine and sheep. After generating fingerprints by electrophoresis, students examine the protein fingerprint of each sample to determine the degree of conservation.
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Artikkenummer: (BE-404)
Produsent: G-Biosciences
Beskrivelse: This lab activity is designed to demonstrate the different classes of protein molecules and their classification based on solubility. Students learn fractionation of soluble, insoluble membrane proteins, and cytoskeleton proteins from a tissue sample. The insoluble protein fraction is further fractionated into hydrophilic and hydrophobic membrane proteins. Cell membrane structure and the role of hydrophobic membrane proteins are considered. This lab activity also provides an opportunity to understand characteristics of various classes of detergents and the role of detergents in solubilisation of hydrophobic membrane proteins.
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Artikkenummer: (BE-401)
Produsent: G-Biosciences
Beskrivelse: The physical properties of proteins kit is a lab activity that enables students to investigate the physical properties of several different proteins. Students will learn about protein solubility and how it is affected by various parameters; including temperature, pH, salt and dielectric constant. They will understand about protein precipitation due to pH, high salt and in the presence of organic solvents and about protein denaturation as a result of high temperature. In addition, the kit will demonstrate how non-protein agents, such as detergents drastically alter the physical properties of protein molecules and as a result, understand the importance of detergents in protein solubilisation. This lab activity involves analysis of three different types of pure proteins and then students alter some of those properties with a detergent and re-examine physical properties of those proteins. Students are challenged to consider how physical properties of protein molecules can be exploited for purification and characterisation of proteins and apply their findings on a test sample of complex tissue extract.
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Artikkenummer: (EDVOS-10)
Produsent: EDVOTEK
Beskrivelse: This lab activity shows students what real chromosomal DNA looks like and allows them to explore the procedures involved in DNA extraction.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikkenummer: (BE-405)
Produsent: G-Biosciences
Beskrivelse: This lab activity involves analysis of an enzyme reaction using a specific enzyme substrate and inhibitor. Students study how the rate of enzyme reaction is dependent on substrate concentration and the influence of agents (inhibitors) and conditions that affects the enzyme reaction such as pH and temperature.
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Artikkenummer: (BE-403)
Produsent: G-Biosciences
Beskrivelse: Biodiversity lab activity is designed for determination of protein contents and biomass in diverse biological samples to study how biomass is related to biodiversity in nature. Students collect and catalogue plant leaf samples from a diverse group of locally available plants. This lab activity involves determination of natural weight of each plant sample, grinding a predetermined amount of each sample, and the subsequent extraction of proteins from the samples. Students then learn to determine protein contents of each plant sample and attempt to relate the protein content with biomass. Students in this lab activity are challenged to think, analyse, and seek answers as to why protein biomasses vary for a given natural weight for different plants. Finally, they will relate that finding to the biodiversity of nature.
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Artikkenummer: (BE-408)
Produsent: G-Biosciences
Beskrivelse: In this lab activity, students learn to perform simple protein isolation procedures to isolate the protein fingerprint from various fresh tissues. They will compare the protein fingerprints of 4 different tissues to understand that the function of a particular organ is due to the proteins that are localised to the specific organ. Also included in this kit are four dried protein samples (from mouse liver, brain, heart and lungs) to compare as a control, if fresh tissues cannot be obtained.
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Produsent: EDVOTEK
Beskrivelse: Bovine spongiform encephalophathy (BSE), also known as Mad Cow Disease, is a neurodegenerative, fatal condition in cattle. Consuming BSE-infected beef is believed to be the cause of a similar condition in humans, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. In this experiment, students examine simulated PCR products from several feed mills, to determine any possible violations of the ban on including animal parts in cattle feed.

Artikkenummer: (BE-407)
Produsent: G-Biosciences
Beskrivelse: This lab activity has two objectives - to deepen the understanding of protein molecules and for students to learn the potential of electrophoresis in protein analysis. Students study the fundamentals of protein structure from their primary structure to the more complex tertiary and quaternary structures, utilising protein electrophoresis. Complex mixtures of protein samples and characterised pure protein samples, in conjunction with electrophoresis, are utilised to study protein structure and the potential of protein electrophoresis. Using non-denaturing and denaturing electrophoresis, students understand the difference between primary, tertiary and quaternary structures, the importance of disulfhydryl bridges in maintaining protein structure and electrophoresis in studying complete proteins and protein subunits.
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Artikkenummer: (BE-201)
Produsent: G-Biosciences
Beskrivelse: This kit teaches aseptic handling techniques and cultivation of bacteria in liquid culture media and on solid phase agar plates. This kit is designed to educate students about the various stages of the bacterial growth cycle, i.e. lag, log or exponential, stationary and decline or death phases. The kit also teaches the importance of growing bacteria on solid phase agar plates to isolate single colonies of bacteria. This lab activity involves preparation of culture medium and solid agar plates.
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Produsent: G-Biosciences
Beskrivelse: Determination of protein concentration is an essential technique in all aspects of protein studies and proteomics. The Assays for Protein Quantification kit includes three of the most widely used protein assays and allows for a direct comparison of the three assays that teaches students the benefits and limitations of each assay. Each assay is available individually to allow teaching of a specific assay, without the option of comparing and contrasting with other assays. The three assays covered are the Biuret Protein Assay, Lowry Protein Assay and the Coomassie Blue Dye Protein Assay. The Assays for Protein Quantification kit provides all the reagents required to perform both protein assays, including protein standards for accurate quantification, in a single lab activity. An often underestimated factor in quantifying protein is the presence of non-protein interfering agents, such as salts and detergents. This kit teaches students about common laboratory agents that affect the protein assays, the reasoning behind their interferences and how to overcome the interference. Students also learn how to select a protein assay for different applications.

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OBS! Etanol er underlagt bestemmelse om særavgift, jfr LOV-1993-05-19-11-§1. VWR selger kun etanol til kunder som kan fremlegge avgiftsfritak for udenaturert etanol, jfr. § 3-3-7 ( forskrifter om særavgifter).
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OBS! Etanol er underlagt bestemmelse om særavgift, jfr LOV-1993-05-19-11-§1. VWR selger kun etanol til kunder som kan fremlegge avgiftsfritak for udenaturert etanol, jfr. § 3-3-7 ( forskrifter om særavgifter).
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