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Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: Thiazole green, which is structurally identical to SYBR® green I nucleic acid gel stain, is one of the most sensitive stains available for detecting double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in agarose, polyacrylamide gels and qPCR.
Produsent: Quantabio
Beskrivelse: qScript™ One-Step SYBR® Green qRT-PCR Kits reliably deliver maximum qRT-PCR efficiency, sensitivity and specificity in with a simplified protocol. These kits offer reliable and unbiased amplification of all RNA targets regardless of abundance. The proprietary supermix maximises activities of both reverse transcriptase and AccuStart™ <i>Taq</i> DNA polymerase without compromising specificity of amplification. qScript™ One-Step SYBR® Green qRT-PCR kits are available and optimised for all real-time PCR instrument platforms including those requiring normalisation with ROX reference dye.

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Produsent: Quantabio
Beskrivelse: PerfeCTa® SYBR® Green SuperMix og FastMix™ gir effektiv, følsom og nøyaktig kvantitativ PCR med patenterte buffere og SYBR® Green-stabilisatorer som maksimerer fluorescerende signal PCR-effektivitet og reduserer primer-dimere. SuperMix og FastMix™ er optimalisert for alle real time-PCR-instrumentplattformer, inkludert de som krever normalisering med ROX-referansefarge eller fluorescein.

HMS Tilbud

Artikkenummer: (A8511.50625)
Produsent: PanReac AppliChem
Beskrivelse: SYBR Green is an cyanine dye that acts for the detection of double stranded DNA. This ten fold concentrated dye solution is suitable for qPCR when primers such as 16S rDNA or 18S rDNA primers are used.
UOM: 1 * 5 Items

Beskrivelse: Helixyte™ Green is manufactured by AAT Bioquest, and it has the same chemical structure of SYBR® Green (SYBR® is the trademark of ThermoFisher).

New Product

Artikkenummer: (EDVO608)
Produsent: EDVOTEK
Beskrivelse: SYBR® Safe Stain is a DNA stain that fluoresces with a bright green colour when excited with UV light. Like ethidium bromide, SYBR® Safe Stain binds specifically to the DNA double helix.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

HMS Sertifikater

Beskrivelse: DyNAmo™ qPCR Kits offer excellent performance in detection and quantitation of DNA and RNA sequences from various sources. The DyNAmo™ qPCR kit family features optimised kits for fast and conventional qPCR. Kits utilising either SYBR® Green or probe chemistries for various platforms are available. All DyNAmo™ qPCR kits are provided as convenient 2X master mixes - only template and primers need to be added.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: The Maxima™ SYBR® Green/ROX qPCR Master Mix (2X) is a ready to use solution optimised for quantitative real time PCR and two-step real time RT-PCR on most real time PCR machines. The master mix includes Maxima™ hot start <i>Taq</i> DNA polymerase, SYBR® Green dye I and dNTPs in an optimised PCR buffer and is supplemented with ROX passive reference dye. Only template and primers need to be added. Maxima™ hot start <i>Taq</i> DNA polymerase in combination with the optimised buffer ensures PCR specificity and sensitivity. The SYBR® Green I intercalating dye allows for DNA detection and analysis without using sequence specific probes. dUTP is included in the mix for optional carryover contamination control using uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG). The use of Maxima™ SYBR® Green/ROX qPCR Master Mix (2X) in real time PCR ensures reproducible, sensitive and specific quantification of genomic, plasmid, viral and cDNA templates.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: The Maxima™ SYBR® Green qPCR Master Mix (2X) is a ready to use solution optimised for quantitative real time PCR and two-step real time RT-PCR on most real time PCR machines. The master mix includes Maxima™ hot start <i>Taq</i> DNA polymerase, SYBR® Green dye I and dNTPs in an optimised PCR buffer. ROX solution is provided in a separate vial for use with machines that require ROX as a passive reference dye. Maxima™ hot start <i>Taq</i> DNA polymerase in combination with the optimised buffer ensures PCR specificity and sensitivity. The SYBR® Green I intercalating dye allows for DNA detection and analysis without using sequence specific probes. dUTP is included in the mix for optional carryover contamination control using uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG). The use of Maxima™ SYBR® Green qPCR Master Mix (2X) in real time PCR ensures reproducible, sensitive and specific quantification of genomic, plasmid, viral and cDNA templates.

Artikkenummer: (AATB17592)
Beskrivelse: Helixyte™ Green is manufactured by AAT Bioquest, and it has the same chemical structure of SYBR® Green (SYBR® is the trademark of ThermoFisher).
UOM: 1 * 1 mL

New Product

Artikkenummer: (AATB17591)
Beskrivelse: Helixyte™ Gold is manufactured by AAT Bioquest, and it has the same chemical structure of SYBR® Gold (SYBR® is the trademark of ThermoFisher).
UOM: 1 * 5 mL

New Product

Beskrivelse: Photodocumentation System, Filter, 50 mm square, with transmission range 510 - 560 nm, for eg. SYBR® Green

Beskrivelse: Visi-Blue™ -transilluminator er utformet for bruk sammen med SYBR® Gold, SYBR® green, GFP og andre som eksiterer i området 460 til 470 nm.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: ABsolute™ qPCR-mixer inneholder alle komponentene som er nødvendige for å utføre kvantitativ PCR, unntatt templat og primere. Det finnes mixer for bruk med prober eller med SYBR® Green I inkludert, og med eller uten de passive referansefargestoffene ROX og fluorescein.

Artikkenummer: (PIER62239)
Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Thermo Scientific™ 510 to 550 nm bandpass filter is a threaded, 50 mm diameter glass filter. This product is used for the addition of a green filter to one of two open positions in the myECL Imager for detection (emission) wavelengths of common fluorescent nucleic acid stains, such as SYBR* Green Nucleic Acid Gel Stain and SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: The Maxima™ SYBR® Green/Fluorescein qPCR Master Mix (2X) is a ready to use solution optimised for quantitative real time PCR and two-step real time RT-PCR on most real time PCR machines. The master mix includes Maxima™ hot start Taq DNA polymerase and dNTPs in an optimised PCR buffer. It contains SYBR® Green I dye and is supplemented with fluorescein passive reference dye. Fluorescein is included into the master mix to serve as an internal reference for normalisation
of the SYBR Green I fluorescent signal between different wells to compensate for any instrument or pipetting variation. dUTP is included in the mix for optional carryover contamination control using uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG)*. Maxima™ hot start Taq DNA polymerase in combination with the optimised buffer ensures PCR specificity and sensitivity. The SYBR® Green I intercalating dye allows for DNA detection and analysis without using sequence specific probes. The use of Maxima™ SYBR® Green/Fluorescein qPCR Master Mix in real time PCR ensures reproducible, sensitive and specific quantification of genomic, plasmid, viral and cDNA templates.

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