Du søkte etter: Sentrifugefilter

Centrifugal filters are used in laboratory settings to manipulate peptides, proteins, oligonucleotides, DNA, and RNA samples. The devices successfully clean up labelling and PCR reactions, isolate specific sections, buffer exchange, clarify samples, and remove particulates. Filters with nylon membrane are ideal for prefiltration clean-up of large agarose or acrylamide gel debris prior to purification with an MWCO device. The centrifugal filters will meet concentration, purification, separation and desalting procedure requirements.

Centrifugal filters are used in laboratory settings to manipulate peptides, proteins, oligonucleotides, DNA, and RNA samples. The devices successfully clean up labelling and PCR reactions, isolate specific sections, buffer exchange, clarify samples, and remove particulates. Filters with nylon membrane are ideal for prefiltration clean-up of large agarose or acrylamide gel debris prior to purification with an MWCO device. The centrifugal filters will meet concentration, purification, separation and desalting procedure requirements.

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Produsent: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: Cyto strips made of filter board for cytocentrifuges. Absorption of excess liquids from the staining of samples in cytologic analysis. Can be used in Shandon and Sakura Cyto-Tek® cytocentrifuges.

Produsent: G-Biosciences
Beskrivelse: These C18 spin columns are ready-to-use micro centrifuge columns for peptide clean up and concentration. The columns consist of porous C18 reverse-phase resin that has a particle size of ~15 µm and a pore size of 300 Å. The resin offers highly efficient binding and recovery of peptides and is ideal for mass spectrometry and other peptide related applications.

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Produsent: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Beskrivelse: Convenient and reliable concentration, purification and diafiltration of 15 to 60 ml biological samples. Concentrate 60 ml sample volumes to 4 ml in 30 minutes.

Produsent: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Beskrivelse: These devices are used for simple, reliable concentrating and desalting of 50 to 500 μl samples. Select the low protein binding Omega™ membrane for ultrafiltration applications. The Bio-Inert® membrane is ideal for microfiltration of biological solutions. The GHP membrane is ideal for sample preparation in analytical chemistry (HPLC, GC, IC and MS). It is suitable for aqueous, organic and aggressive organic samples, and for rapid processing of samples.

Produsent: Biotium
Beskrivelse: Ultrafiltration can be used to rapidly and easily remove small molecules such as Tris, glycerol and glycine from antibody solutions, or to concentrate antibodies prior to conjugation. They also can be used to remove free dye or free biotin from antibodies after conjugation.

Produsent: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Beskrivelse: These centrifugal devices are suitable for rapid sample prepration in many applications.

Produsent: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Beskrivelse: These centrifugal devices can quickly concentrate up to 20 ml of biological sample without valuable sample loss.

Produsent: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: PP. Ideel for konsentrering, rensing og avsalting av peptider, protein, oligonukleotider, DNA og RNA.

Produsent: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Beskrivelse: Disse sentrifugalenhetene gir en presis, rask gjenvinning av mikrolitervolumer av konsentrat.

Produsent: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Beskrivelse: The Pall Nanosep device for nucleic acid binding (NAB) incorporates a dual layer silica-based quartz glass fiber media to allow for efficient binding of DNA and RNA, while providing smooth flow and rapid processing of samples.

Produsent: G-Biosciences
Beskrivelse: These disposable spin columns are designed for protein purification. These spin columns are uniquely designed, with a snap off end converting to a closure for the column for easy manipulation and use.

Produsent: Sartorius
Beskrivelse: Vivaspin® 6 centrifugal concentrators have been developed to offer increased volume flexibility and performance. Vivaspin® 6 can process 6 ml in either swing bucket or fixed angle rotors accepting standard 15 ml conical bottom test tubes.

Artikkenummer: (PIER89873)
Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: These columns are ready-to-use centrifuge columns of porous C18 reverse-phase resin with excellent binding and recovery characteristics for peptide sample preparation for mass spectrometry and other methods.
UOM: 1 * 50 Items

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Pierce™ Ni-NTA spin columns contain a high-capacity, high-performance nickel-IMAC resin for routine affinity purification of His-tagged fusion proteins.

Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Pierce strong cation exchange and strong anion exchange spin columns use membrane-adsorption as the chromatographic method of choice to fractionate proteins based on their charge differences. The column matrix has a highly porous structure, with pores larger than 3000 nm, giving proteins ready accessibility to the membrane's charged ligands. These adsorptive membranes maintain high efficiencies at high flow rates and during fractionation of large biomolecules with small diffusivities.

Artikkenummer: (PIER89879)
Produsent: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivelse: Pierce™ Micro-Spin columns are convenient tools for manipulating small volumes of affinity supports (5 to 100 µl) for protein purification. Simply add the affinity resin and sample to one of the micro-spin columns, then use a microcentrifuge to efficiently wash away contaminants and elute the purified sample without losing any resin in the process. Micro-spin columns allow more protein to be affinity purified in less time.
UOM: 1 * 50 Items

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